ShannonAI / mrc-for-flat-nested-ner

Code for ACL 2020 paper `A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition`
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Bug in the flat-ner pre-processing #21

Open yhcc opened 4 years ago

yhcc commented 4 years ago

Hi, I found a bug in your pre-processing code. I think it should be

span_labels.append((start, len(sentence_tags) -1 , sentence_tags[-1].split("-")[-1]))

This bug will cause the number of entities decreases. In conll2003, each split has the following number of entities train: 23499 dev: 5942 test: 5648 Because of this bug, it will decrease to train: 22781 dev: 5796 test: 5465

I am not sure whether this will have an effect on the performance. I tried to run the corrected version by the configuration given in , but in Telsa V100 (16G memory) it goes OOM. Therefore I have to use 'batch_size=16, gradient_accumulation_steps=2' to simulate, but the performance is far behind the reported one. Is there any trick to restrict the memory used or I need even bigger memory?

yhcc commented 4 years ago

BTW, the following are my outputs when I use ''batch_size=16, gradient_accumulation_steps=2'', I delete some of the middle outputs to make it shorter. In conll2003, usually (like LSTM+CRF) the F1 on the development set will be more than 3% higher than the test set (Besides, usually the F1 in the development set of BiLSTM+CRF version will achieve 95.0, but with 91.4 test set F1), and the following results are consistent with this. But in , the gap is about 1.4% . Is there any possibility that you may use a corrected version of conll2003 like in those in ?

{ "bert_frozen": "false", "hidden_size": 768, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.2, "classifier_sign": "multi_nonlinear", "clip_grad": 1, "bert_config": { "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_size": 768, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "type_vocab_size": 2, "vocab_size": 28996 }, "config_path": "/path/to/mrc_for_flat_nested_ner/config/en_bert_base_cased.json", "data_dir": "/home/ubuntu/exps/TransformerNER/data/conll2003/", "bert_model": "/path/to/bert-base-uncased/", "task_name": null, "max_seq_length": 150, "train_batch_size": 16, "dev_batch_size": 32, "test_batch_size": 32, "checkpoint": 600, "learning_rate": 3e-05, "num_train_epochs": 6, "warmup_proportion": -1.0, "local_rank": -1, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 2, "seed": 2333, "export_model": false, "output_dir": ".", "data_sign": "conll03", "weight_start": 1.0, "weight_end": 1.0, "weight_span": 1.0, "entity_sign": "flat", "n_gpu": 1, "dropout": 0.2, "entity_threshold": 0.5, "data_cache": false } -------------------- current data_sign: conll03 ==================== loading train data ... ... 56164 56164 train data loaded ==================== loading dev data ... ... 13000 13000 dev data loaded ==================== loading test data ... ... 13812 13812 test data loaded ###################################################################### EPOCH: 0 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.016730422154068947 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.011 0.6385 0.4431 0.117 0.1851 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_0_600.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0104 0.652 0.4137 0.0996 0.1606 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.002673722803592682 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0083 0.7126 0.6186 0.4184 0.4992 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_0_1200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0093 0.7037 0.57 0.4091 0.4763 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0007827995577827096 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.8653 0.8349 0.7296 0.7787 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_0_3000.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0053 0.8561 0.8078 0.7175 0.76 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.006401577964425087 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0047 0.7522 0.6744 0.337 0.4494 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00014035690401215106 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0031 0.8934 0.8443 0.7814 0.8116 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_0_6600.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0038 0.8791 0.8159 0.7416 0.777 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 1 current learning rate 2.8499999999999998e-05 current learning rate 2.8499999999999998e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.018947187811136246 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.8717 0.8382 0.7353 0.7834 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : [386/1723] 5.050747859058902e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0026 0.9438 0.9256 0.9055 0.9154 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_1_1200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0039 0.9084 0.8754 0.8581 0.8667 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 9.175582090392709e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0029 0.9237 0.896 0.8175 0.8549 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0015588540118187666 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9103 0.8982 0.8307 0.8631 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00026114226784557104 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.8382 0.8883 0.5875 0.7072 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00016665547445882112 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.9406 0.9147 0.8547 0.8837 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### current learning rate 2.7074999999999997e-05 current learning rate 2.7074999999999997e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.002201023744419217 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0032 0.9519 0.9355 0.9003 0.9175 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_2_2400.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0043 0.9279 0.9094 0.8656 0.8869 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 3 current learning rate 2.5721249999999997e-05 current learning rate 2.5721249999999997e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 4.75841952720657e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0031 0.9186 0.8595 0.8149 0.8366 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 1.2278333088033833e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.9512 0.9316 0.9067 0.9189 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_3_1200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.004 0.9248 0.9031 0.8724 0.8875 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 7.809271482983604e-05 current training loss is : 4.4565200369106606e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0057 0.9165 0.8801 0.8271 0.8528 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0001912666339194402 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0037 0.9392 0.9026 0.8773 0.8898 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 2.610034789540805e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0036 0.938 0.924 0.8722 0.8973 ###################################################################### EPOCH: 4 current learning rate 2.4435187499999995e-05 current learning rate 2.4435187499999995e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.310163007583469e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9354 0.8781 0.8549 0.8663 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.9439424805750605e-06 ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.9332 0.916 0.8687 0.8917 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.0556856624316424e-05 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 4.879345578956418e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0037 0.9415 0.9147 0.8654 0.8894 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 5 current learning rate 2.3213428124999993e-05 current learning rate 2.3213428124999993e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00025477795861661434 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0038 0.9279 0.86 0.8468 0.8533 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 9.94959282252239e-06 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0032 0.9525 0.9208 0.9046 0.9126 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0029 0.9423 0.8931 0.8811 0.8871 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0022768585477024317 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9508 0.9247 0.892 0.9081 -----------------------------*- =&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&= Best DEV : overall best loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0034 0.9566 0.939 0.9091 0.9238 scores on TEST when Best DEV:loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.9332 0.916 0.8687 0.8917 =&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&=

I add the following line in to make sure the loop will not stuck

idx += 1
ghost commented 4 years ago

Thanks for asking! I will check the code and preprocessed datasets. And I will reply later. Thanks!

yhcc commented 4 years ago

Is there any progress for this bug ?

ghost commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I am dealing with an emergency. The final reply will be given by the 16th. Many many thanks! Hope you all the best.

yhcc commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your reply. Sorry for the pressure, the 16th is totally fine.

yhcc commented 4 years ago

Any update?

kamalkraj commented 4 years ago

BTW, the following are my outputs when I use ''batch_size=16, gradient_accumulation_steps=2'', I delete some of the middle outputs to make it shorter. In conll2003, usually (like LSTM+CRF) the F1 on the development set will be more than 3% higher than the test set (Besides, usually the F1 in the development set of BiLSTM+CRF version will achieve 95.0, but with 91.4 test set F1), and the following results are consistent with this. But in , the gap is about 1.4% . Is there any possibility that you may use a corrected version of conll2003 like in those in ?

{ "bert_frozen": "false", "hidden_size": 768, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.2, "classifier_sign": "multi_nonlinear", "clip_grad": 1, "bert_config": { "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_size": 768, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "type_vocab_size": 2, "vocab_size": 28996 }, "config_path": "/path/to/mrc_for_flat_nested_ner/config/en_bert_base_cased.json", "data_dir": "/home/ubuntu/exps/TransformerNER/data/conll2003/", "bert_model": "/path/to/bert-base-uncased/", "task_name": null, "max_seq_length": 150, "train_batch_size": 16, "dev_batch_size": 32, "test_batch_size": 32, "checkpoint": 600, "learning_rate": 3e-05, "num_train_epochs": 6, "warmup_proportion": -1.0, "local_rank": -1, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 2, "seed": 2333, "export_model": false, "output_dir": ".", "data_sign": "conll03", "weight_start": 1.0, "weight_end": 1.0, "weight_span": 1.0, "entity_sign": "flat", "n_gpu": 1, "dropout": 0.2, "entity_threshold": 0.5, "datacache": false } -------------------_- current datasign: conll03 ==================== loading train data ... ... 56164 56164 train data loaded ==================== loading dev data ... ... 13000 13000 dev data loaded ==================== loading test data ... ... 13812 13812 test data loaded ###################################################################### EPOCH: 0 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.016730422154068947 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.011 0.6385 0.4431 0.117 0.1851 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_0600.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0104 0.652 0.4137 0.0996 0.1606 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.002673722803592682 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0083 0.7126 0.6186 0.4184 0.4992 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_01200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0093 0.7037 0.57 0.4091 0.4763 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.0007827995577827096 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.8653 0.8349 0.7296 0.7787 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_03000.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0053 0.8561 0.8078 0.7175 0.76 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.006401577964425087 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0047 0.7522 0.6744 0.337 0.4494 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.00014035690401215106 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0031 0.8934 0.8443 0.7814 0.8116 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_06600.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0038 0.8791 0.8159 0.7416 0.777 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 1 current learning rate 2.8499999999999998e-05 current learning rate 2.8499999999999998e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.018947187811136246 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.8717 0.8382 0.7353 0.7834 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : [386/1723] 5.050747859058902e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0026 0.9438 0.9256 0.9055 0.9154 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_11200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0039 0.9084 0.8754 0.8581 0.8667 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 9.175582090392709e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0029 0.9237 0.896 0.8175 0.8549 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0015588540118187666 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9103 0.8982 0.8307 0.8631 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00026114226784557104 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.8382 0.8883 0.5875 0.7072 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00016665547445882112 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.9406 0.9147 0.8547 0.8837 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### current learning rate 2.7074999999999997e-05 current learning rate 2.7074999999999997e-05 -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.002201023744419217 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0032 0.9519 0.9355 0.9003 0.9175 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_22400.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0043 0.9279 0.9094 0.8656 0.8869 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 3 current learning rate 2.5721249999999997e-05 current learning rate 2.5721249999999997e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 4.75841952720657e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0031 0.9186 0.8595 0.8149 0.8366 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 1.2278333088033833e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.9512 0.9316 0.9067 0.9189 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_31200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.004 0.9248 0.9031 0.8724 0.8875 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 7.809271482983604e-05 current training loss is : 4.4565200369106606e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0057 0.9165 0.8801 0.8271 0.8528 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0001912666339194402 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0037 0.9392 0.9026 0.8773 0.8898 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 2.610034789540805e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0036 0.938 0.924 0.8722 0.8973 ###################################################################### EPOCH: 4 current learning rate 2.4435187499999995e-05 current learning rate 2.4435187499999995e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.310163007583469e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9354 0.8781 0.8549 0.8663 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.9439424805750605e-06 ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.9332 0.916 0.8687 0.8917 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.0556856624316424e-05 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 4.879345578956418e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0037 0.9415 0.9147 0.8654 0.8894 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 5 current learning rate 2.3213428124999993e-05 current learning rate 2.3213428124999993e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00025477795861661434 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0038 0.9279 0.86 0.8468 0.8533 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 9.94959282252239e-06 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0032 0.9525 0.9208 0.9046 0.9126 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0029 0.9423 0.8931 0.8811 0.8871 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0022768585477024317 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9508 0.9247 0.892 0.9081 -----------------------------*- =&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&= Best DEV : overall best loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0034 0.9566 0.939 0.9091 0.9238 scores on TEST when Best DEV:loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.9332 0.916 0.8687 0.8917 =&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&=

I add the following line in

to make sure the loop will not stuck

idx += 1

@yhcc What you mean by the corrected version of the ConLL2003 dataset?

yhcc commented 4 years ago

@kamalkraj Since the original conll2003 data has some wrong annotation, some papers (as some listed in ) have tried to revise these annotation errors, and released the revised dataset. If the revised data is used, usually the performance will be higher than previous work.

kamalkraj commented 4 years ago

@yhcc Thanks. Are you able to reproduce the results for the ConLL2003 dataset?

yhcc commented 4 years ago

No, I tried to use the code in this repo(revised the bug as post here), and get the results as I have post before. I also tried to rewrite this code from scratch, and got similar results as I post. And my log (based on their code) is quite different from their optimization log in , and I am not sure whether I did something wrong or the bug caused the difference.

ghost commented 4 years ago

We will get back in one day or two. Sincerely sorry for the delay. We were busy with the corefQA release, the other repo.

yhcc commented 4 years ago

Looking forward to your reply

ghost commented 4 years ago

BTW, the following are my outputs when I use ''batch_size=16, gradient_accumulation_steps=2'', I delete some of the middle outputs to make it shorter. In conll2003, usually (like LSTM+CRF) the F1 on the development set will be more than 3% higher than the test set (Besides, usually the F1 in the development set of BiLSTM+CRF version will achieve 95.0, but with 91.4 test set F1), and the following results are consistent with this. But in , the gap is about 1.4% . Is there any possibility that you may use a corrected version of conll2003 like in those in ?

{ "bert_frozen": "false", "hidden_size": 768, "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.2, "classifier_sign": "multi_nonlinear", "clip_grad": 1, "bert_config": { "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_size": 768, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "type_vocab_size": 2, "vocab_size": 28996 }, "config_path": "/path/to/mrc_for_flat_nested_ner/config/en_bert_base_cased.json", "data_dir": "/home/ubuntu/exps/TransformerNER/data/conll2003/", "bert_model": "/path/to/bert-base-uncased/", "task_name": null, "max_seq_length": 150, "train_batch_size": 16, "dev_batch_size": 32, "test_batch_size": 32, "checkpoint": 600, "learning_rate": 3e-05, "num_train_epochs": 6, "warmup_proportion": -1.0, "local_rank": -1, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 2, "seed": 2333, "export_model": false, "output_dir": ".", "data_sign": "conll03", "weight_start": 1.0, "weight_end": 1.0, "weight_span": 1.0, "entity_sign": "flat", "n_gpu": 1, "dropout": 0.2, "entity_threshold": 0.5, "datacache": false } -------------------_- current datasign: conll03 ==================== loading train data ... ... 56164 56164 train data loaded ==================== loading dev data ... ... 13000 13000 dev data loaded ==================== loading test data ... ... 13812 13812 test data loaded ###################################################################### EPOCH: 0 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.016730422154068947 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.011 0.6385 0.4431 0.117 0.1851 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_0600.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0104 0.652 0.4137 0.0996 0.1606 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.002673722803592682 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0083 0.7126 0.6186 0.4184 0.4992 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_01200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0093 0.7037 0.57 0.4091 0.4763 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.0007827995577827096 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.8653 0.8349 0.7296 0.7787 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_03000.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0053 0.8561 0.8078 0.7175 0.76 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.006401577964425087 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0047 0.7522 0.6744 0.337 0.4494 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.00014035690401215106 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0031 0.8934 0.8443 0.7814 0.8116 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_06600.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0038 0.8791 0.8159 0.7416 0.777 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 1 current learning rate 2.8499999999999998e-05 current learning rate 2.8499999999999998e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.018947187811136246 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.8717 0.8382 0.7353 0.7834 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : [386/1723] 5.050747859058902e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0026 0.9438 0.9256 0.9055 0.9154 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_11200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0039 0.9084 0.8754 0.8581 0.8667 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 9.175582090392709e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0029 0.9237 0.896 0.8175 0.8549 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0015588540118187666 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9103 0.8982 0.8307 0.8631 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00026114226784557104 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.8382 0.8883 0.5875 0.7072 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00016665547445882112 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.9406 0.9147 0.8547 0.8837 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### current learning rate 2.7074999999999997e-05 current learning rate 2.7074999999999997e-05 -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 0.002201023744419217 ............................................................ ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0032 0.9519 0.9355 0.9003 0.9175 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_22400.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0043 0.9279 0.9094 0.8656 0.8869 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 3 current learning rate 2.5721249999999997e-05 current learning rate 2.5721249999999997e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 4.75841952720657e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0031 0.9186 0.8595 0.8149 0.8366 ------------------------------ -----------------------------_- current training loss is : 1.2278333088033833e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0028 0.9512 0.9316 0.9067 0.9189 SAVED model path is : ./bert_finetune_model_31200.bin ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.004 0.9248 0.9031 0.8724 0.8875 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 7.809271482983604e-05 current training loss is : 4.4565200369106606e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0057 0.9165 0.8801 0.8271 0.8528 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0001912666339194402 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0037 0.9392 0.9026 0.8773 0.8898 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 2.610034789540805e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0036 0.938 0.924 0.8722 0.8973 ###################################################################### EPOCH: 4 current learning rate 2.4435187499999995e-05 current learning rate 2.4435187499999995e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.310163007583469e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9354 0.8781 0.8549 0.8663 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.9439424805750605e-06 ............................................................ TEST: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.9332 0.916 0.8687 0.8917 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 6.0556856624316424e-05 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 4.879345578956418e-05 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0037 0.9415 0.9147 0.8654 0.8894 ------------------------------ ###################################################################### EPOCH: 5 current learning rate 2.3213428124999993e-05 current learning rate 2.3213428124999993e-05 ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.00025477795861661434 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0038 0.9279 0.86 0.8468 0.8533 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 9.94959282252239e-06 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0032 0.9525 0.9208 0.9046 0.9126 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0029 0.9423 0.8931 0.8811 0.8871 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ current training loss is : 0.0022768585477024317 ............................................................ DEV: loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0035 0.9508 0.9247 0.892 0.9081 -----------------------------*- =&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&= Best DEV : overall best loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0034 0.9566 0.939 0.9091 0.9238 scores on TEST when Best DEV:loss, acc, precision, recall, f1 0.0049 0.9332 0.916 0.8687 0.8917 =&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&==&=

I add the following line in

to make sure the loop will not stuck

idx += 1

Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Yes, this is a bug introduced when I was trying to clean my codebase. I fixed it in the commit (f80ed26). Please pull the latest repo.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi, I found a bug in your pre-processing code.

I think it should be

span_labels.append((start, len(sentence_tags) -1 , sentence_tags[-1].split("-")[-1]))

This bug will cause the number of entities decreases. In conll2003, each split has the following number of entities train: 23499 dev: 5942 test: 5648 Because of this bug, it will decrease to train: 22781 dev: 5796 test: 5465

I am not sure whether this will have an effect on the performance. I tried to run the corrected version by the configuration given in , but in Telsa V100 (16G memory) it goes OOM. Therefore I have to use 'batch_size=16, gradient_accumulation_steps=2' to simulate, but the performance is far behind the reported one. Is there any trick to restrict the memory used or I need even bigger memory?

Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Yes, this is a bug introduced when I was trying to clean my codebase. I fixed it in the commit (f80ed26).

ghost commented 4 years ago

No, I tried to use the code in this repo(revised the bug as post here), and get the results as I have post before. I also tried to rewrite this code from scratch, and got similar results as I post. And my log (based on their code) is quite different from their optimization log in , and I am not sure whether I did something wrong or the bug caused the difference.

We used the official released CoNLL-2003 train/dev/test sets for experiments.

ghost commented 4 years ago

No, I tried to use the code in this repo(revised the bug as post here), and get the results as I have post before. I also tried to rewrite this code from scratch, and got similar results as I post. And my log (based on their code) is quite different from their optimization log in , and I am not sure whether I did something wrong or the bug caused the difference.

Since we update the codebase, I run the experiments with the code (f80ed26) and will update the log for CoNLL-2003 tomorrow. Many thanks.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I replicated the experiment result on English CoNLL03 with the latest code (f80ed26). And configurations can be found in

Please contact me if you have any further questions. Many thanks and sorry for the late reply.

yhcc commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your reply. BERT-large can achieve 93+ makes sense.

yhcc commented 4 years ago

Did the results in the English Ontonotes also use the BERT-large model ?

ghost commented 4 years ago

Did the results in the English Ontonotes also use the BERT-large model ?

Sorry for the late reply. Yes. The result of the English Ontonotes is obtained by finetuning the BERT-Large model.

EmanuelaBoros commented 3 years ago

I replicated the experiment result on English CoNLL03 with the latest code (f80ed26). And configurations can be found in

Please contact me if you have any further questions. Many thanks and sorry for the late reply.

I was not able to reproduce the results reported in the ACL paper for the CoNLL 2003. Would it be possible to share the reproduce script for this dataset also? Thanks.