ShanonPearce / ASH-Listening-Set

A dataset of filters for headphone correction and binaural synthesis of spatial audio systems on headphones
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Generate HeSuVi-compatible WAVs #2

Open terrainer opened 1 year ago

terrainer commented 1 year ago

Is there a possibility the BRIRs can be processed as HeSuVi wav files? HeSuVi is the generally the most used method for surround sound with Equalizer APO. There may however be issues as HeSuVi takes 48KHz files, with 44.1KHz being secondary.

ShanonPearce commented 1 year ago

I did some brief testing with HeSuVi and found that it reads HRIRs/BRIRs that are in a slightly different format to my BRIRs. Rather than having separate WAV files for each source direction in a set, each of the source directions are combined into in a single WAV file. They also have 48KHz and 44.1KHz variants. I will attempt to generate the BRIRs in the same format as the HeSuVi HRIRs. If successful, I will add them to this dataset as a separate set of BRIRs that can be directly copied over to HeSuVi's HRIR folder.

terrainer commented 1 year ago

Sounds great! Thanks for looking into it.

ShanonPearce commented 1 year ago

I have generated a set of BRIRs in the format HeSuVi can read. I did some brief testing with them in HeSuVi and they seem to be working the same as when using the provided E-APO configs.

They have been added into the repository under the 'HeSuVi BRIRs' folder. Simply copy the 'hrir' folder into the HeSuVi installation folder (usually located: C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\HeSuVi) and you should be able to see the BRIRs in the HeSuVi GUI under 'Common HRIRs'.

When testing I was using one of the HpCFs for headphone correction and didn't have any equaliser presets activated in HeSuVi. If you prefer to use one of the equaliser presets included in HeSuVi you may want to use the provided 'Room_Target_Inverse.wav' filter as the applied room target curve may result in excessive low frequency boost when paired with other headphone EQ methods.

If you come across any issues please let me know.

terrainer commented 1 year ago

Excellent stuff, I'll check it out when I've the opportunity. Thank you!

ThreeDeeJay commented 1 year ago

I tried it and it's working as intended. However, it would be even better if impulse response pairs were synced so the HRIRs sound better when using stereo upmix. Audacity_qb0V4JPiR9 This is how I'd do it manually, but perhaps there's a more efficient automated way to do it for all the HRIRs? 🤔

ShanonPearce commented 1 year ago

I had a look into the synchronisation and found that there was an issue resulting in unwanted delays for certain azimuths in rooms R09 (Adream_Lab) and R10 (Room_Auditorium_3). The synchronisation should now be fixed for those rooms. The remaining rooms should already be correctly synchronised.