ShaoqingRen / SPP_net

SPP_net : Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
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I have two questions about finetune on voc2007 #28

Closed wuqiangch closed 9 years ago

wuqiangch commented 9 years ago

@ShaoqingRen , First, I have read the code of SPP_net, i got a question about the finetune.Why does the finetune do on the trainval and test database, but not on the train and val database? I think the test databas can be used only once. Second, I have run the "spp_demo",everything is ok . This is my parameters. caffe_net_file = fullfile(pwd, 'data/Zeiler_conv5_new/Zeiler_conv5'); caffe_net_def_file = fullfile(pwd, 'data/Zeiler_conv5_new/Zeiler_spm_scale224_test_conv5.prototxt');

when I run the 'Script_spp_voc.m', there is something wrong .I have change nothing except the net parameters. This is my net parameters: opts.net_file = fullfile(pwd, 'data/Zeiler_conv5_new/Zeiler_conv5'); opts.net_def_file = fullfile(pwd,'data/Zeiler_conv5_new/Zeiler_spm_scale224_test_conv5.prototxt'); opts.spp_params_def = fullfile(pwd, 'data/Zeiler_conv5_new/spp_config'); opts.finetune_net_def_file = fullfile(pwd, 'model-defs/pascal_finetune_fc_spm_solver_new.prototxt'); Everything is ok,but until '' rst = caffe('train', {data_train{1}, label_train{1}})''.Matlab closed,but there is no error information .So I have do some tests. I put the "rst = caffe('test', {data_test{1}, label_test{1}})" before rst = caffe('train', {data_train{1}, label_train{1}}). The test of caffe can run , but the train of caffe also can't run. Thanks!