ShaoqingRen / SPP_net

SPP_net : Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
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compile error with custom matcaffe.cpp #4

Closed eendebakpt closed 9 years ago

eendebakpt commented 9 years ago

In the customized matcaffe.cpp there are two includes that cannot be found on my system:

include "caffe/util/Directory.h"

include "caffe/util/Path.h"

I cannot find Directory.h anywhere in the caffe system. Are these files from SPP? If so, can they be added to the SPP code or (even better) can the customized matcaffe.cpp be included in caffe itself.

ShaoqingRen commented 9 years ago

We have merged our customized matcaffe.cpp and releated modifications with the latest caffe code. Please get it via

eendebakpt commented 9 years ago

The code at does not compile under unix. I can make some small fixes, but the code fails at memory_data_layer.cpp. The class MemoryDataLayer is not defined anywhere. In the normal caffe repository it is defined in data_layers.hpp, but it is not present in the SPP-net caffe version.

ShaoqingRen commented 9 years ago

Yes, the sycedmem and blob are modified a lot to share memory between train and test net, and the memory_data_layer is removed temporarily

eendebakpt commented 9 years ago

How can I compile the Caffe code then? The MemoryDataLayer is still referenced in src/caffe/layers/memory_data_layer.cpp.

ShaoqingRen commented 9 years ago

please, remove the memory_data_layer.cpp will be ok.

eendebakpt commented 9 years ago

Ok, removing memory_data_layer.cpp makes the code compile. I created 2 commits to make the code compile on unix. For some reason I am not able to send you a pull request, can you pull them in?

The path.h and directory.h depend heavily on windows only functions, it would be nice to use a cross-platform such as boost for this.

ShaoqingRen commented 9 years ago

Thanks, pulled into the latest version.