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SharePoint Online Rights are not reflected after adding user until the added user accesses the SharePoint. #6569

Open dvd95 opened 3 years ago

dvd95 commented 3 years ago

I am unable to see the updated rights of the user after removing/adding or changing the rights via the owner of the site/team.

I have tested by following the steps below:

Add a user as a member in a site/team by the owner of the site/team

Checked the rights via the Site permission > Advanced permissions setting > Check Permissions

Also check rights via the API: https://<SiteURL>/_api/web/lists('<ListId>')/items('<ItemId>')/getusereffectivepermissions('<LoginId>')

Both ways show no rights. The rights are shown after the user accesses the site.

In case the user is removed from the site/teams, the rights are still shown via the above steps till the user tries to access the site again.

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ghost commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.

Jerry0527 commented 3 years ago

Per my test, If using group based site collection and grant the persmission using Modern Panel like below:


Then it's actually didn't sync permission settings including (Add/Edit/Remove permission for the user in the site collection) until visited site, seems currrently it's a defect in Group based permission setting.

A workaround is still using classic permission setting, it will sync permission change at once after finished: Snipaste_2020-12-23_16-55-04

kesterl commented 2 years ago

The "workaround" suggested above does not make sense. If you click on the hyperlink of either the Owners or Members group in SharePoint, you will find that SharePoint does not list who's in each group and thus does not allow you to add/remove users. (The Visitors group does allow direct updates in SharePoint, but neither Owners nor Members does.)

And Microsoft itself has said, “For scenarios where a SharePoint site is used with Teams, we recommend doing all permission management through Teams” (

The failure of permissions to synchronize between Teams and SharePoint without having the removed user visit the SharePoint site in question remains a defect and should be triaged accordingly. It is disconcerting to see a user listed with permissions in SharePoint when they should no longer be there.