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Using SharePoint REST API with RenderListDataAsStream for getting Taxonomy metadata terms synonyms #7924

Open arunakshi opened 2 years ago

arunakshi commented 2 years ago

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SharePoint REST API

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SharePoint Online

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Issue description

I am trying to find a way to get Taxonomy term label synonyms for list items. Today I am getting only the Term Labels and Term Ids of the Taxonomy term for the list item currently using RenderListDataAsStream endpoint and selecting the Taxonomy fields via ViewXml. ${this.webUrl}/_api/web/Lists(guid'${this.listId}')/RenderListDataAsStream

`<View Scope=\"RecursiveAll\">

                          <FieldRef Name="ID"/>
                          <Value Type="Number">${listItemId}</Value>
                    <RowLimit Paged="TRUE">1</RowLimit>

I need to get now somehow the synonyms for the term label. I didn't find anything to get synonyms from list item metadata. The only way I found is loading entire termset terms along with labels and synonyms.

Is there anyway to get list item metadata along with taxonomy field labels and synonyms. Any ideas would be appreciated.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.