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Possible bug on changing settings of a SPFx app teams tab #9389

Open canturan opened 6 months ago

canturan commented 6 months ago

Target SharePoint environment

SharePoint Online

What SharePoint development model, framework, SDK or API is this about?

πŸ’₯ SharePoint Framework

Developer environment


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Additional environment details

New Teams desktop client

Describe the bug / error

As mentioned on this closed issue:, it looks like there is still a bug on the settings panel of a SPFx teams tab.

When I try to edit the settings I got the "you added a new Tab-Dialog" after that the settings panel does not load the current settings but the initial settings. I can alter the settings and save it. The new setting are accepted and working but it is very confusing that the current settings get lost each time I click configure.

Steps to reproduce

Edit the settings of a SPFx teams tab on the new Teams desktop client

Expected behavior

That the settings panel loads the correct current settings and not the initial settings

ghost commented 6 months ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.

kristofferarn commented 5 months ago

Also facing the same issue. Tested on both older and newer versions of SPFx.

sharepointalist commented 5 months ago

We have the same issue. Effectively there is no way to edit settings for the SPFx app in Teams Tab.

kandharithirumalreddy commented 4 months ago

we have facing the same issue in New Teams. Any update?

FYI : we have upgraded the solution to SPFx 1.18.2

kandharithirumalreddy commented 3 months ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

We have noticed that, when we change webpart settings in new teams - but it seems that everytime you edit the webpart settings (of a existing tab), it generating a new webpart instance id.

FYI : Clearly there is something wrong with the URL replacement. Technically a new tab will be generated (because the tab-url is not available anymore).

I'm using spfx 1.18.2

calechko commented 3 months ago

Also looking for an update - this is affecting our product which is globally distributed. Our clients are looking for an update as soon as possible. Thank you!

tpalacino commented 2 months ago

@nick-pape Any update on this? Is it even on the radar of the New Teams developers?

I opened a Microsoft Support case and this was the response:

Thanks for contacting Microsoft support regarding unable to update channel tab configurations.

As discussed over call, please use classic teams instead of New Teams. As confirmed during call you are able to classic teams without any issue. Please request to your client to use classic team until it will not be debugged.

kandharithirumalreddy commented 1 month ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

shaipetel commented 1 month ago

FYI, I think this issue is a duplicate of this one: 9464

antonkhrit commented 1 month ago

It has been five months since the issue was reported and is still in "bug-suspected" status.

@nick-pape It is a bug. Please fix it.

@VesaJuvonen I saw you participated in the discussion for the duplicate issue:

Could you provide any updates or plans?

kandharithirumalreddy commented 1 month ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us.

tpalacino commented 1 month ago

@AJIXuMuK I saw you resolved the #9253. Any chance you can get this issue in front of the right people? This has become a significant issue for many ISVs.

kandharithirumalreddy commented 3 weeks ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us

kandharithirumalreddy commented 2 weeks ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us

calechko commented 1 week ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us

Same here - our customers are becoming upset. We need to get an answer on this as soon as possible.

tpalacino commented 1 week ago

@andrewconnell have you experienced this issue on any of your SPFx teams tab projects?

andrewconnell commented 1 week ago

@tpalacino No, because I don't use SPFx for creating tabs for Microsft Teams. For various reasons, I think SPFx is a bad option and instead, building tabs using the native Teams AppDev approach is much better.

tpalacino commented 1 week ago

@andrewconnell Thanks for the tip. Do you know if Microsoft is planning to remove support for syncing SPFx apps to Teams?

shaipetel commented 1 week ago

I can confirm this is still an issue with using a dedicated teams manifest (manually created), but deployed through an SPFx package... It is still a tab configured to load an SPFx web part inside a tab.

andrewconnell commented 1 week ago

@tpalacino said:

Do you know if Microsoft is planning to remove support for syncing SPFx apps to Teams?

No, I have no knowledge of their future plans WRT SPFx+Teams. But...

... I don't have the confidence nor recommend developers invest in using SPFx for extending Teams.

The benefits to using SPFx to create Teams tabs don't outweigh the downsides of doing so, including the fact you can't do anywhere near as much stuff as you can if you're doing native Teams App Dev (plus, the dev toolchain & development experience is better less prohibitive). I've written extensibility about my feelings on this topic.

juliemturner commented 1 week ago

The benefits to using SPFx to create Teams tabs don't outweigh the downsides of doing so

I have to disagree with @andrewconnell somewhat in the sense that if your solution needs to be surfaced in both SharePoint and Teams this is a LOT of duplication. That said, I think the work around is to build your solution completely as a library (NOT SPFx library) and then essentially bootstrap it into an SPFx solution and then surface it in a Teams tab by hosting the UI in an azure resource.

(Note I don't think I would advocate for surfacing your hosted solution in an iFrame in an SPFx web part simply because the SharePoint pages team does not style iFrames appropriately and therefore your responsive experience will be poor at best.)

tpalacino commented 1 week ago

Thanks for sharing that perspective @juliemturner. I haven't personally used the native Teams AppDev because I was concerned about the level of reusability. Seems like I've got some research to do.

andrewconnell commented 1 week ago

@juliemturner makes good points... we just agree to disagree here. Reuse is a benefit to using SPFx for Teams AppDev, but IMHO (that's the key point, it's just my opinion) it doesn't outweigh the downsides.

@tpalacino said:

I haven't personally used the native Teams AppDev because I was concerned about the level of reusability. Seems like I've got some research to do.

Teams tabs can be deployed to SharePoint as web parts & SPAs (aka: full page app page). I think Teams AppDev is MUCH more flexible than SPFx. Shameless plug: my free email course on it if you want to learn more :)

shaipetel commented 1 week ago

My 2 cents on this, I'm with @juliemturner on this - the iframe experience is not always ideal. There are a lot more downsides to it that I think @andrewconnell had mentioned (in some scenarios, IMHO)

Having your SPFx exposed as a teams tab loads it under your SharePoint domain, which allows you seamless SharePoint REST API access - which decreases dev time/complexity significantly on both your SharePoint app side and Teams.

That opens the door for having your custom solutions store all information directly on the user's tenant (the connected site, in lists and libraries), never having this information even pass through your servers - which is a huge advantage for many customers who are sensitive about where their information is transmitted / stored.

There are many more advantages in my opinion but its missing the point of this thread.

Bottom line, this is a matter of opinion, the facts here are there is a breaking change, a bug in the new teams, and I think we can all agree it is very concerning that MSFT aren't looking into resolving it.

Its damaging all of our reputation and putting us in a bad position between MSFT and our customers, and this situation is not ideal. All I can do is point customers to this discussion, since if they open a support ticket - the answer is "oh, its a custom solution? talk to the vendor"

andrewconnell commented 1 week ago

@shaipetel To be fair, I've got a long list of downsides, but I don't want to hijack this issue more than we already have so I'll refrain from doing the back and forth here :)

tpalacino commented 1 week ago

We identified a workaround. demo video

antonkhrit commented 1 week ago

Hey guys!

The fact is that there is an ability to use SPFx as a tab. This feature worked correctly for a long time. Now it doesn't. Clients are suffering. Developers don't have a way to fix this.

Microsoft must provide backward compatibility for things like this.

I don't think developing a solution for Teams from scratch is an answer here. It depends on the solution itself. In some cases, it is a significant investment. It should not be dictated by a lack of backward compatibility in Microsoft Teams client.

This is a bug that must be fixed. Other discussions around best practices and IFrames are not justifying the lack of backward compatibility.

It is almost seven months since the bug was reported with no response from Microsoft whatsoever.

kandharithirumalreddy commented 1 week ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us

It strange that, why they are unable to fix this issue. The issue is this always they are creating a new Instance for the webpart properties, instead if the maintain some kind of ID/TabUrl/WebpartInstanceId then it will update if already added.