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SharePoint webpart settings are reset when editing tab in new MS Teams clients #9464

Open xxyziggy opened 5 months ago

xxyziggy commented 5 months ago

Target SharePoint environment

SharePoint Online

What SharePoint development model, framework, SDK or API is this about?

💥 SharePoint Framework

Developer environment


What browser(s) / client(s) have you tested

Additional environment details

Microsoft Teams Desktop Client: Microsoft Teams version: 23320.3027.2591.1505 Client version: 49/23113028722 Last updated: 16.01.2024 Operating System: Windows 11

Microsoft Teams Web Client: Microsoft Teams version: Client version: 415/23113028722

Describe the bug / error

SharePoint webpart settings in MS Teams tab are reset when editing tab in new MS Teams clients

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a Teams app with SharePoint webpart in it, webpart must have configurable properties
  2. In app manifest use
    "configurableTabs": [
            "canUpdateConfiguration": true,
            "configurationUrl": "https://{teamSiteDomain}{teamSitePath}/_layouts/15/TeamsLogon.aspx?SPFX=true&dest={teamSitePath}/_layouts/15/teamshostedapp.aspx%3FopenPropertyPane=true%26teams%26componentId={{SPFX_COMPONENT_ID}}%26forceLocale={locale}",
            "scopes": ["team"],
            "context": ["channelTab"]
  3. Publish the app, and create a Tab in MS Teams with this webpart and confugure its properties
  4. Click Tab settings
  5. Popup opens, after clicking Save button webpart props panel is opened, but properties are empty and webpart state goe back to unconfigured state

new teams

Expected behavior

In old teams clients after clicking Tab settins no popup appears, webpart configuration panel opens with saved properties old teams

ghost commented 5 months ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.

ruiAfonsoISEP commented 4 months ago

This issue is also occurring in my environment with custom SPFx web part. The correct experience is functioning in the old Microsoft Teams desktop app.

UeliSchwarz commented 3 months ago

I observe the same behavior, settings in teams get lost on a roundtrip.

antonkhrit commented 2 months ago

We experience the same bug in Teams (NEW). SPFx properties are reset every time we open settings.

shaipetel commented 1 month ago

Just had several very unhappy customers reporting that all their settings got lost when they try to edit the tab properties. There used to be an "edit" button, now there is only "settings" and it opens a popup and deletes all properties.

Any updates on this?

shaipetel commented 1 month ago

I think this is a duplicate of this issue 9389

kandharithirumalreddy commented 1 month ago


we have facing the same issue in New Teams. Any update?

FYI : we have upgraded the solution to SPFx 1.18.2.

Already reported here as well

singingknight commented 1 month ago

I agree that this is a very annoying bug that makes SPFX web parts unusable as Teams Tabs.

But I don't agree with the described expected behavior. I would prefer that the behavior was that when adding/updating the tab, the following should happen:

  1. The dialog should appear, but with the property pane instead of just a Teams logo
  2. When save was clicked then settings was saved to HostedAppConfigs and dialog dismissed
  3. Then the tab should load webpart with specified properties and no property pane.
shaipetel commented 1 month ago

I agree that this is a very annoying bug that makes SPFX web parts unusable as Teams Tabs.

But I don't agree with the described expected behavior. I would prefer that the behavior was that when adding/updating the tab, the following should happen:

  1. The dialog should appear, but with the property pane instead of just a Teams logo
  2. When save was clicked then settings was saved to HostedAppConfigs and dialog dismissed
  3. Then the tab should load webpart with specified properties and no property pane.

I don't think this is an acceptable behavior for all web parts.

The side panel did not block access to the web part while editing properties, and a Dialog blocks access.

Many web parts have inline-editing and WYSIWYG editing, not just using the properties panel, so if you block access in a dialog that would not be possible.

Even a simple image viewer or rich text editor web part won't work as people won't be able to type in the web part while it is in edit mode.

kandharithirumalreddy commented 1 month ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us.

kandharithirumalreddy commented 3 weeks ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us

kandharithirumalreddy commented 2 weeks ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us.

It's strange that no updates from the assigned persons

kandharithirumalreddy commented 1 week ago


any update on this issue, when will it be fixed? will the fix be part of next release?

Now Microsoft forcing to use New Teams. So it's effecting our customers. Now It's become major issue for us

It strange that why they are unable to fix this issue. The issue is this always they are creating a new Instance for the webpart properties, instead if the maintain some kind of ID/TabUrl/WebpartInstanceId then it will update if already added.

AJIXuMuK commented 3 days ago

Sorry for the long delay folks. We have identified the issue and will be working with Microsoft Teams partners to fix it. Will update the thread when we have rollout ETA or other updates.

PMcGown commented 3 days ago

Thank you for the update, @AJIXuMuK