SharePoint / sp-dev-docs

SharePoint & Viva Connections Developer Documentation
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Absolutely useless guidance - not feasible to create the content suggested #9540

Open RobJDean185 opened 4 months ago

RobJDean185 commented 4 months ago

Consider the use case for this page - interest in customising the New Item form but offered an explanation about entering JSON content in to text fields. No guidance on where the specification for the content comes from, or guidance on how to begin creating the JSON content required. Even the examples are over-complicated and unusable. Classic case of writing documentation to tick a box but it is effectively unusable by any users. There are links to other references from which a reasonably competent technical user might be able to divine the correct approach, and I appreciate the product capability in this area is rubbish as it is, but this content is only really useful for someone already sufficiently skilled in creating the content.

Recommend adding worked examples of how to do the basics. For example, my case was simply to reorder the items in the default form - is there a reasonable way to generate the basic content for the default form and copy that? Why force every user to become skilled in an arcane JSON format and usage rather than document the basic necessities?

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ghost commented 4 months ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.