ShareX / ShareX

ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Request: Add zoom function to image editor #2325

Closed Freekers closed 2 years ago

Freekers commented 7 years ago

Currently, the image editor does not have a zoom function, which makes it hard to edit small images or precisely crop etc. Thank you!

edphemeria commented 6 years ago

+1, I sometimes annotate very large files which require lots of scrolling. Huge thanks for ShareX, it's just the best!

Davexx commented 6 years ago

Yes, I have 2 monitors (extended desktop) and sometimes I cannot access portions of the screen capture. I would love this feature as well. and thanks for the awesome tool. It's very thorough!

nepomuc commented 6 years ago

Yes, please add this feature! The image editor is so feature-rich, it even has two different ways to anonymize regions by blurring or pixelating them. But it has no zoom in/out.

TJohn7002 commented 6 years ago

Vote for this

Freekers commented 6 years ago

1 year later and I'm still rooting for this feature ;) Pinging @Jaex

marcoscheel commented 6 years ago

+1 for this feature

FELITH commented 6 years ago

me too

markusd1984 commented 6 years ago

👍 +1 I discovered this because the picture I opened was too large. Without a zoom function, one can't view the image as a whole and to edit needs to scroll around :)

viper25 commented 6 years ago

Yes, this is one basic feature missing from such an advanced snapshot tool. I was using ALT + mouse scroll to zoom in/out instinctively and was mildly surprised to see one couldn't zoom.

Jaex commented 6 years ago

Adding zoom is not basic at all.

Davexx commented 6 years ago

@Jaex I believe @viper25 meant "fundamental" when he used the work "basic". I don't think he was diminishing the effort it would take to add the code. It's one of those things you quite literally expect to be there especially with such large screen capture real estate these days.

Jaex commented 6 years ago

I don't think there is any software with on screen annotation which can zoom. It is not image editor, it is region capture with annotation support.

nepomuc commented 6 years ago

@Jaex Do you mean something like this?


Jaex commented 6 years ago

That is image editor, not on screen annotation. Their region capture don't have zoom and annotation functionality.

nepomuc commented 6 years ago

@Jaex Okay, understood. But this issue here is not about the region capture but about the image editor, isn't it? It would be very handy to be able to do what's shown in the GIF, but with ShareX. :)

Jaex commented 6 years ago

That image editor is actually RegionCaptureForm in codes, modified to act like image editor. So everything I add to region capture on screen annotation also benefits that mode. But this situation makes adding image editor related stuffs difficult. Because it is not coded from beginning to be image editor. So adding such features far more difficult because it is connected to region capture.

nepomuc commented 6 years ago

@Jaex I think I just began to understand a little more what makes it difficult for you to add the zoom feature. From a user's perspective I have to agree with @Davexx . Being able to zoom in the "image editor" is something fundamental, something you expect as a "basic feature". I would love to help, but I'm afraid my programming skills won't be very helpful in this case. You said that it's "modified to act like image editor". So this sounds like potential for giving it the ability to become a real image editor and not only act like one?

Jaex commented 6 years ago

That would require making image editor from scratch. But then it would lose benefits of also be able to annotate inside region capture. And because I'm mostly annotating inside region capture. That would be bad for me.

Davexx commented 6 years ago

I must restate that I am very appreciative of any free tool and the extreme effort that goes into creating it. That said, I spent some time in software development and the most successful apps/products were always the ones that listened to the requests of the users and would try to implement those requests as features, because ultimately the users drive the success of any software.

Jaex commented 6 years ago

Are you seriously accusing me of not listening the users feedback? Even without any user feedback I was well aware zoom was needed. I also needed it sometimes. How am I gonna implement it? Are you thinking it is easy as saying...

Davexx commented 6 years ago

I think you missed the first sentence of my post, and there was no accusation contained therein.

nepomuc commented 6 years ago

@Jaex @Davexx I think we can agree on the fact that a zoom feature for the "image editor" would be a very helpful feature. @Jaex You mentioned that you "also needed it sometimes". Do you have some kind of workaround, besides saving the image and opening it in a "real" image editor?

Jaex commented 6 years ago

I'm opening image in Paint .NET when I need zoom.

nepomuc commented 6 years ago

Alright, that's basically the same I'm doing right now. I would still love to see this feature in the future, since it would be helpful for everyone who voted for it in this thread and also probably for a lot of other users too. But you decide since it's you who would have to do the work. I would be very thankful for the effort. Maybe it helps to think about a solution in a more indirect way, so you don't need to completely rebuild the entire "editor". But you probably know best for yourself how to find a solution. :)

viper25 commented 6 years ago

Adding zoom is not basic at all.

@Jaex I didn't mean to trivialize the effort or mean it was simple or basic to implement. As @Davexx said, I meant "fundamental"; I just meant that this tool has almost every other feature I could think of (and more) except zoom which I use when i need to crop large images. It's hard to do so in ShareX.This is an example of a workflow that I'm talking about (Photoshop). I use the ALT+Mouse scroll to zoom in /out to the area of interest and THEN crop.


So adding such features far more difficult because it is connected to region capture.

The details of the implementation would be upto you. If it's not possible, then so be it. As a user, am just providing a suggestion that would be good to have!

vitaliy-kravchenko-dev commented 5 years ago

Completely agree with @viper25 It would be nice to have this functionality inside the editing tool after capturing a screenshot. As for me, I have 3 monitors and in some situations, it's not easy to select a region.

njwgh commented 5 years ago

+1 from me thanks

frankydee commented 5 years ago

+1 from me, and I agree with @viper25.

A very limiting side effect of the lack of zoom is that we can't crop images which are bigger than the screen (which is pretty much always the case for scrolling screen captures)

derekantrican commented 5 years ago

Agree here. I love using ShareX and all the customizability that it has but the thing I miss most about Snagit (the last screenshot tool I used) was the vast host of image editing tools. The main thing that seems obvious is the ability to zoom in/out on an image that you're editing. With a high res image (eg a screenshot from my phone) I have to do a lot of scrolling to pan around the image. That's a pain (especially if that scrolling includes me trying to adjust a rectangle annotation or something)

rodrigotrovao commented 5 years ago

this feature has in every other image software. In this OUTSTANDING tool doesnt?

heyvoon commented 5 years ago

Up! This is a BASIC for ANY image editor. UP! UP! UP! Please implement it.

Jaex commented 5 years ago

this feature has in every other image software. In this OUTSTANDING tool doesnt?

If I made image editor I would also add zoom feature to it from start, it is most fundamental feature of image editors. But ShareX don't have real image editor. It is just region capture with annotation support. How many screen capture software have zoom support in their region capture? Zero?

derekantrican commented 5 years ago

@Jaex First off, no one's trying to be hostile and insult you here. We just really want this feature.

Secondly, as I mentioned before, Snagit is a program that is a screenshot tool with advanced annotation and it has this feature. So that's at least 1

Jaex commented 5 years ago

SnagIt don't have this feature inside their "region capture". It is inside their image editor as I told. Find me single software which have zoom inside their "region capture".

derekantrican commented 5 years ago

That's what we're asking for. We want it in the "image editor"/"image annotator" whatever you want to call it

See the very first comment on this issue:

Currently, the image editor does not have a zoom function, which makes it hard to edit small images or precisely crop etc. Thank you!

Jaex commented 5 years ago

We don't have "real" image editor. We have region capture in windowed mode instead of fullscreen.

derekantrican commented 5 years ago


This screen. After you've done the capture. It doesn't have the ability to zoom in and out on what you've captured. Which makes it difficult to annotate very small captures or if you want to use it to annotate large pictures.

njwgh commented 5 years ago

I used Ashampoo snap before this (and paid for it). I way prefer ShareX for all other features and would definitely pay (donate) if it also had the zoom function. Ashampoo snap does have zoom function in region capture screen ashampoo2 ashampoo3

K0media commented 5 years ago

I think it could be set as an option on the capture/program settings. You could either set to hold Ctrl or Alt + scrolling the Mouse Wheel or even in the touchpad, if it's even necessary.

It would require some more programming if it's implemented along with the on-screen screenshot capture with selected regions though. I believe as an annotation or in the image editor would fit better for this scenario.

But good idea indeed. Google helped me to reach this issue. I believe this has been requested years ago... =/

viper25 commented 5 years ago

But ShareX don't have real image editor. It is just region capture with annotation support.

I think most commenters here are lost on the difference you are trying to highlight above. As far as users are concerned, once a screenshot it taken, an "image editor" pops up real not not. As it is now, the scrolling capture feature (and cropping other large images) is near unusable without a zoom and crop option.

However that said, thanks for providing this wonderful free tool with great features! Hoping zoom and crop can be added too! :)

derekantrican commented 5 years ago

@K0media I would argue that - in the image editor/annotator - scrolling should default to zoom and the current behavior should require the shortcut key (Ctrl, Alt, whatever)

@viper25 crop already exists, just not zoom

viper25 commented 5 years ago

@viper25 crop already exists, just not zoom

Yes I was talking about the zoom and crop as one feature not 2 separate features.

stephen147 commented 4 years ago

I would love this feature.

I like how FastStone image viewer does it.

In the settings, there are zoom options for at mouse position and Center (at mouse is best imo) image

Then here are the context options:

With the zoom at the mouse position enabled and using the + and - keys or the mouse wheel, you can zoom in and out to where your mouse is located.


syaifulnizamyahya commented 4 years ago

@Jaex Explaining the internals to the user might not be the best course of action. That said, explaining the internals to the developers might be more productive.

I mean, what outcome would one expect when explaining the internal to the users? Most users(I said most) doesnt really understand and started making speculation(sometimes false, sometimes outright irrelevant) which in the end will exhaust the developers motivation. A simple notes mentioning that the work on it is in queue or we dont have enough resources right now or it requires major refactoring so its well below current priority or else, might be enough.

As for me, while I dont really understand your situation, I do understand the complication when working with graphics objects(annotations) and bitmaps. I have a rough idea on simple solution but Im not sure if it fits your architecture.

Anyway, I wish the best on sharex and hope that someday we can have zoom feature.


Unknow0059 commented 4 years ago

I also hope this feature gets implemented.

markusd1984 commented 4 years ago

Has this been considered? Any Update on this much needed feature?

Scrolling doesn't even help when annotating on larger images, almost tempted to take a screenshot of the image to work around this, lol.

nhgiang196 commented 4 years ago

Still waiting for this feature. Hope it be completed soon. By the way, where is the funding page for shareX? I would love to help =)

derekantrican commented 4 years ago

@nhgiang196 Funding page is here:

Layarion commented 4 years ago

this is "needed", I'm considering, after years of lightly using shareX, leaving this app behind because what a pain in the @ss this is when you use it for more than 3 seconds at a time.

Layarion commented 4 years ago

I've been trying to edit something now for several minutes and the inability to zoom in and see exactly where the border is of the red box I made without mousing over it, is crippling. There's no other way to describe it, this is a horrible experience.

now if I want to continue using this I have to set my desktop resolution to 720p? give up the app? maybe even start here, go to the other app to finish something that otherwise woulda been done better here?
