ShareX / ShareX

ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BackUp/Restore Question #4417

Closed jdcollier1968 closed 4 years ago

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

Will the files that look like this restore a previous config of the program?


Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

They can, there are three different json files for a complete backup though. The History.xml is also used for storing the entire history of capture There's also an Export / Import option within the ShareX Application Settings where you can do this easily, it's a renamed zip file containing all four of these files

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

Using the import / export function I do not see a zipped file. Where would the exact location of this file be?

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

When you click the export button, it opens a Save as window for you to save the backup.sxb file to a specified location

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

I need to grab a back up from a previous date. I lost all my configs. How do I pull in the right files to restore my previous config?

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

If you still have them around somewhere, it's these 4 files (highlighted) image

Put them into the Setting directory (usually Documents/ShareX, like in the screenshot) and ShareX should start using them

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

I obviously don't know what I am doing. I did what you said and I still seem to be doing something wrong. Maybe you can help and I can just reconfig. I have tons of those files you show above. I basically want to capture an image, resize it after capture, and then let the program upload it for me and then give me all the possible links ( forum linked image, direct link, etc.... there were several that showed up for the image just uploaded. Can you help me reconfig? I seem to be fine with my images being where they are supposed to be and history seems fine as well. It's just not behaving like I want it to after capture. Can't seem to figure this out.. Thanks so much in advance.

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

For resizing, you'd want to enter the task settings (for your workflow or the default screenshot action). You'll see in the under the Image section there's a item called Effects. Within here you can Image Effects Configuration from this area.

Resizing an item can be added from the effects area image

Ensure you enable After capture tasks -> Add Image Effects for this to do anything

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

How do I get ShareX back to doing this? It what I use it for most.

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

Enable this image

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

I did as you said and this is still happening after capture. Can't figure this out. I am logged in my host.



jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

tries to restore things from a back up file and I got this error.


Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

Looks like a corrupted zip file

On October 14, 2019 12:53:20 AM UTC, jdcollier1968 wrote:

tries to restore things from a back up file and I got this error.


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jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

Where is this zip file? I do not see one/ I pulled in a json file

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

If you're doing a json file, you'd have to put them into My Documents/ShareX directly

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

This is what is in the folder... still nothing seems to be working.. folder

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

🤔 I'm not sure then

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

This program has gotten way to complicated.

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

trying to accomplish an outcome like this?


Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

You had it right, but you uploaded it as a file earlier, so it was uploaded to dropbox.

If it was uploaded to imgur, you would have had the correct window with the share options

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

That's just a screen shot from the web. It's not mine. I used to be able to do this a couple of weeks ago.

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

Well I can't help you if you're not doing anything with my advice, instead it just wastes time

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

Here's the thing. This program crapped out about a week ago and lost all the settings. I still have a slew of XML, JSON, and HOTKEY CONFIG files. I would imagine the right combo of the three files placed strategically where they need to go might rescue this mess. Someone said earlier about a zip file. What zip file? That's where we are right now. Maybe your helping me salvage my original config from two weeks ago from the files in this location Documents\ShareX\Backup is a place to start.

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

You can only get the backup zip file from a working version of Sharex, if you have a backup of the old json/history files, you can use replace the current sharex files with those from the backup directly. The archive just allows you to use a GUI to do this

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

where is the zip file?

Scrxtchy commented 4 years ago

You can only get the backup zip file from a working version of Sharex

When you click the export button, it opens a Save as window for you to save the backup.sxb file to a specified location

If you've done neither of this, you don't have one

Jaex commented 4 years ago

You just need to copy those backup json files to its original place and rename those files to be same as current setting files. But only do this when ShareX is not running, otherwise it won't work.

jdcollier1968 commented 4 years ago

That did not work. Still does not work like it did two weeks ago.