ShareX / ShareX

ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from.
GNU General Public License v3.0
28.11k stars 3.1k forks source link

Mac/Linux Port #498

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Will there ever be a mac port?

Jaex commented 9 years ago

C# (.NET Framework) not supported officially in mac or linux.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I know. I was wondering if it would ever be rewritten in a different language.

Jaex commented 9 years ago

I'm not experienced with other languages. Learning new cross platform language and rewriting it from scratch is incredible amount of efforts which I can't afford alone. I mean even very big companies with thousands of people working in their company can't afford doing mac or linux ports, how am I supposed to do it alone. Not to mention I don't have mac and not even saw one before.

ghost commented 9 years ago


nickrobson commented 9 years ago


sujaypawar commented 9 years ago


clickbait commented 8 years ago


seiyria commented 8 years ago

With .NET being runnable on more platforms (Thanks to CoreCLR) this actually will be feasible, possibly requiring only a recompilation for separate platforms. It'd be really nice to have this on OSX and Linux.

ghost commented 8 years ago


trdwll commented 8 years ago

Could do a version in Python or Java. (Java is very similar to C#, Jaex)

davidruhmann commented 8 years ago

@seiyria CoreCLR does not support WinForms and ShareX has much which Mono does not support. @trdwll ShareX is not so trivial to be easily rewritten in another language.

MoMA report of just the ShareX components and not any 3rd party dependencies: moma_mono_migration_analyzer_2015-09-08_10-54-47

seiyria commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the info @davidruhmann - I'm not deep into .NET so I had no idea. That's a shame then :(

trdwll commented 8 years ago

@davidruhmann converting ShareX to Java wouldn't be to difficult. It would just take some time and some of the libraries would probably have to be rewritten for Java support.

Paul-Davis commented 8 years ago


Jokler commented 8 years ago

@trdwll Why don't you do it then?

pqt commented 8 years ago

Why don't you do it then?

Asking the real questions.

I would love for this to work on mac, thats for sure. One of the things that almost made me want to stay on Windows, this is a very powerful piece of software for sure.

zikeji commented 8 years ago

Jaex can't convert it because Jaex doesn't have a Mac. Also, ShareX would have to be rewritten from the ground up. Alot of the libraries Jaex uses and didn't write himself would have to be either rewritten or a similar library found (which would raise other issues, like different functionality). Let's not forget Java is slow and clunky software. I wouldn't use ShareX if it was a Java program.

seiyria commented 8 years ago

@zikeji You had me until "slow and clunky" -- please don't categorize software in such a fashion. Java has made leaps and bounds in progression over the years. It's comparable to just about anything else.

pqt commented 8 years ago

@zikeji Java isn't actually slow and clunky at all, Twitter currently uses Scala for some technologies so I can't imagine it's a horrible software if it supports such a large platform.

zikeji commented 8 years ago

@seiyria I work with Java on a daily basis at my current place of employment. The latest version. It is not comparable to "just about anything else". Only benefit Java has going for it is cross platform, which is also the only reason we use it (and we only use it for some stuff in our software).

That being said, let me clarify - by saying Java was "slow and clunky" I was referring to the context of this ticket - slow and clunky as desktop software - the frontend. Ever made a GUI in Java? By default they're ugly, clunky, and slow. Thankfully JavaFX came out last year we should see higher quality Java desktop software.

Now, with todays hardware you don't notice Java being slow because our computers are powerful enough for it. But Java uses more resources than alternatives which is why I dislike it so much.

@Murilirum Scala isn't Java, it's a "JVM Language". It runs under a Java Virtual Machine. That being said, I never said Java was horrible nor do I feel that way. I just think it's a waste of resources and wouldn't willingly use it if there was a comparable alternative.

@seiyria But I do agree. Java has had performance improvements since it's release. It's no longer corporate suicide to use Java for consumer software.

trdwll commented 8 years ago

@Jokler I simply don't have that kind of time. Let me go ahead and revert that question onto you, why don't you do it?

Jokler commented 8 years ago

@trdwll The point was that you said it would be pretty easy and fast to do. Why would someone else proof your point for you? I never said it was an easy thing.

zikeji commented 8 years ago

@Jokler It's actually an interesting logical fallacy. Someone makes a claim, someone refutes it, and the claimant asks for proof. No @trdwll, the burden of roof is on the claimant, not @Jokler.

That being said it's hardly relevant here. I'm not going to work on "ShareX Mac" because it's not worth the time. Smaller target audience, more development work necessary. For all you know @Jokler doesn't even have a Mac to develop it on lol.

trdwll commented 8 years ago

@Jokler "@davidruhmann converting ShareX to Java wouldn't be to difficult. It would just take some time and some of the libraries would probably have to be rewritten for Java support."

I said it wouldn't be very difficult, and that it would take some time. "wouldn't be to difficult. It would just take some time" I'm not really sure why I'm getting flamed at for just stating my opinion. Gotta love internet trolls.

Anyways, I'm going to stop responding to this to avoid future conflict.

Jokler commented 8 years ago

"People disagreed with my opinion. I am offended by that so I will just call them trolls and leave."

5/5 Bretty Good :DDD

nickrobson commented 8 years ago

Calm down folks! Let's not begin a flame war.

Asif2BD commented 8 years ago

Its a shame. I wish if any dev could start it as side project, I think I would have bought it if it was premium apps in Mac.

nickrobson commented 8 years ago

@Asif2BD Most of the destinations supported by ShareX have official and/or unofficial upload applications for OS X.

Jokler commented 8 years ago

There is way more to ShareX than just uploading to one or two services, I don't think he just wants to upload a file.

zikeji commented 8 years ago

@Jokler For sure.

I personally would like software like ShareX on Mac OSX. The on the fly editor (Greenshot) particularly, the renaming rules, etc.

However, you can't just convert C# to Java and even if you could it'd be a terrible experience for the end users. The only real way would be for a dev to start a project from scratch (or some basic similar app) and start reworking it and implementing existing features slowly.

padukakerol commented 8 years ago

thanks @Jaex

TheInitializer commented 8 years ago

ShareX is practically the only screenshot program I can use. Would love a Linux version. Thanks

Julien00859 commented 7 years ago

+1 for a Linux version, by far the best screenshot tool I've ever used <3

TheDeadCode commented 7 years ago


vasili111 commented 7 years ago

+1000 For FreeBSD/Linux.

zikeji commented 7 years ago

I'm getting sick and tired of all these people that seem to think a Linux version is possible.

This will never be "ported" to Mac / Linux. This is a C# project, it would literally have to be rewritten from the ground up to work on Mac / Linux.

ghost commented 7 years ago


If you are sick and tired because of that you may as well contact a doctor of your choice to help you solve that problem and let this discussion out of your personal problems.

Do you have some kind of ability to see on the future that we are not aware of to make these claims about that there will never be a Linux version??

zikeji commented 7 years ago

@ekaris no need to be salty because you're one of the many people who've create duplicate tickets requesting it, let alone you assumed there would be one (which I find quite hilarious) and when your dream was rejected you, instead of looking to find out why you decided to create said ticket.

I've personally contributed to the project and spoken with @Jaex and can tell you without a doubt he's not going to rewrite his project on Linux. How about instead of complaining you donate to his project and leave a nice message asking for a Linux version? Maybe with enough requests he'll change his mind.

ghost commented 7 years ago


I'm not being salty, I just don't see why your answer would help anybody here, more hilarious than my duplicated ticket is your answer, I actually have done a quick search on the github before opening anything and didn't found my answer (maybe because this issue shouldn't have been closed in the first place).

And did I suggested here that Jaex or anyone else here would be making the port?? The code is on github, it's forked by many people, anyone that wants and has the capacity to do it can make a port, cross platform with more features and better than the original.

I though you where previously talking about your personal problems here that have nothing to be here and that need to be solved by a medic, and I'm the one complaining?

And finally I only contribute with money to Linux compatible projects, so don't suggest us to make donations to benefit windows only programs.

PJB3005 commented 7 years ago

@zikeji While it's a lot of work, saying that it's flat out impossible is an overstatement.

If consideration is taken to not use methods and systems that don't work on Mono, and compatibility errors slowly get fixed, it's possible. But somebody needs to take the initiative.

Biggest hurdle to me seems like the need to rewrite the UI in GTK#, which would also require bundling Mono with the ShareX installer.

Also if you need examples of cross-platform C# applications, Banshee is written in C#.

zikeji commented 7 years ago

@PJB3005 I don't think I ever said it was impossible, though I implied it wasn't possible. What I meant was if ShareX was rewritten or "fixed" for Mono cross platform it would no longer feel like ShareX anymore. Some features would have to go. Not to mention if someone made a ShareX for Linux it'd probably get a different name, I know I'd branch it off after that much effort.

PJB3005 commented 7 years ago

I don't see why some features would be lost, if there's really some platform specific things the solution is to just not let them work on other platforms.

necrogami commented 7 years ago

Has anyone pointed out that .net is offically supported on OSX and Linux now with .net core?

davidruhmann commented 7 years ago

@necrogami .net core does not support WinForms in which the entire extensive ShareX UI is written.

rukyasu commented 7 years ago

@Jaex just came here to tell you have built great tool. As a power user I have never worked with better screen capture tool (by space-measurements far)

Ephasme commented 7 years ago

I want this app on my Mac SOOO BADLY... this app is brilliant and I miss it ALL THE TIME. There is NOTHING anywhere in MacWorld even close to what you did here @Jaex. Sorry this does not help but I needed to express myself :)

MAGICCC commented 7 years ago

In the meantime you could use

Well it's not the same as ShareX, but atleast you can screencap regions and such

Jaex commented 7 years ago

Added frequently asked questions section to ShareX web site which includes this question:

zenware commented 7 years ago

Not ready for primetime as I just started learning C#, .NET, and Mono this weekend. Figure a nontrivial project is a good way to learn, right? Image of ShareX Running on my MacBook Pro

TheDeadCode commented 7 years ago

@zenware Good luck on the imports m8.