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[Ops] Partnership helpers #8

Open chimera-defi opened 2 years ago

chimera-defi commented 2 years ago

Find and solidify partners for Sharedstake on any chains.

Payouts only claimable when the partnerships commence.

Can be:

  1. incentivized LP pool for SGT or vETH2 or future tokens on any chains on any DEXs
  2. Advertising/marketing
  3. Goose forks that increase vETH2/SGT demand
  4. Use of tokens as collateral on CDP platforms

From discord:

We are looking for volunteers to help us find and drive partnerships with other protocols. 
These include: 
- Liquidity pools (think quickswap/polycat/curve/sushiswap etc)
- Farming rewards providers (Think dinoswap, bao, sushiswap etc)
- Yield aggregators/auto-compounders (Think etc)

Specifically we are looking for partners to support our expansion onto L2/sidechains such as
- Matic
- Avax
- Luna
- Arbitrum
- Optimism

Get started right away and let us know if you get any results 🙂