SharezoneApp / sharezone-app

Sharezone is a collaborative school organization app for iOS, Android, macOS and web with +500,000 downloads. Built with Flutter & Firebase.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Let users add teacher accounts to a lesson instead of only adding names as text #1673

Open Jonas-Sander opened 2 weeks ago

Jonas-Sander commented 2 weeks ago

Currently one can just write a teachers name into a text field. Instead one should also be able to reference a teacher that has a Sharezone account. This would probably mean that if the teacher changes his name in Sharezone, that the name of teacher will automatically be updated in the lessons.

Not sure if we should require the teacher to be a member of the group/course of the lesson, I'll leave that an open question for now. One could also say that one might add a teacher that is a member of any group of the user that adds that teacher. Not sure if that makes sense, I just wanted to illustrate the question.

Proposed in Discord: