Shark-NLP / DiffuSeq

[ICLR'23] DiffuSeq: Sequence to Sequence Text Generation with Diffusion Models
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the Multi-GPU training acutally duplicates data in each GPU ? #37

Closed Dawn-LX closed 1 year ago

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago


I find that the Dataloader constructed in diffuseq/ not used pytorch's DistributedSampler

, which makes the data is actually duplicated in each GPU, e.g., in func:forward_backward in

i.e., each GPU is processing the same data, which makes distributed training pointless.

Is my conjecture correct?

just FYI, the training script in Diffusion-LM's repo uses transformers's training script, in which DistributedSampler is used in the Trainer

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago

Another info is that in the multi-gpu sampling script (which is recently updated) ""

It has an operation to "split data per gpu".

Howerver, the training scripts ("diffuseq/" or "") do not have such operation to spilt data per gpu, and thus I conject that the data is actually duplicated in each gpu in the existing multi-gpu training script.

summmeer commented 1 year ago


Good question!

We follow the training script in Diffusion-LM's repo script/ The you mentioned uses to train the classifier instead of LM itself.

It's true that we "split data per gpu" when we do sampling. That's because we only want to iterate each test case once and in order. However, when training, we set shuffle=True, which means each GPU gets a different batch of data. It functions in the same way as using DistributedSampler.

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply! But I am still confused.

1) the script/ in Diffusion-LM's repo also doesn't use DistributedSampler, which means they also have the problem of "data is actually duplicated in each gpu" 2) set shuffle=True has nothing to do with "each GPU gets a different batch of data".

To verfiy my point, we can turn infinite_loader off and see how many batch iteration it actually runs. say, if a signle GPU training script has a dataloader of 800 interations. Then for 4 GPUs training, the dataloader (with DistributedSampler) will run 200 iterations (for the same batchsize) Note that for DistributedSampler & DistributedDataParallel, the the batchsize of dataloader is directly the batchsize on each GPU.

But with the existing multi-gpu training script, the data is duplicated in each gpu, an it will still run 800 iterations for 4 GPU training

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago

Another information: The the script/ in Diffusion-LM's repo is modified based on OpenAI's improved-diffusion.

We can observe that in OpenAI's improved-diffusion, the dataloader is constructed in improved-diffusion/ Although they also not use DistributedSampler in dataloader, they directly split the dataset into each gpu in load_data by set (before construct dataloader):


refer to openai/improved-diffusion/improved_diffusion/

In contrast, in Diffusion-LM's load_data_text function, there is no such operation (the MPI from mpi4py is even not used at all). refer to Diffusion-LM/improved-diffusion/improved_diffusion/

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago

@summmeer I will be very appreciate that if you can point out the "split data per gpu" operation (exactly which lines of code) in existing multi-gpu training script

kdha0727 commented 1 year ago

@Dawn-LX I experienced the same problem, and solved it by implementing custom seeding function.

def seed_all(seed: "Any", deterministic: "bool" = False) -> "None":
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import torch
    if deterministic:  # False in training, True in sampling
        seed = hash(seed)
        torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True  # NOQA
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False  # NOQA
        seed = hash(seed) + int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", "0"))  # Make seed differ by node rank
    torch.manual_seed(seed)  # contains torch.cuda.manual_seed_all

Even though each seed per node differs, model parameters would be synchronized in initialization process refer to this. (by this line)

kdha0727 commented 1 year ago

If you want to use same seed per nodes, you can consider alternative code like below:

Step 1. Change this function to my code below.

def load_data_text(
    seed=None,  # ADD THIS
    training_data = get_corpus(data_args, seq_len, split=split, loaded_vocab=loaded_vocab)

    dataset = TextDataset(

    if seed is not None:
        batch_generator = torch.Generator()
        batch_generator.manual_seed(hash(seed) + int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", "0")))
        batch_generator = None

    data_loader = DataLoader(
        batch_size=batch_size,  # 20,
        # drop_last=True,
        shuffle=not deterministic,
        generator=batch_generator,  # ADDED
    if loop:
        return infinite_loader(data_loader)
        # print(data_loader)
        return iter(data_loader)

Step 2. Add seed argument in training script.

line 44~63

    data = load_data_text(
        data_args = args,
        model_emb=model_weight,  # use model's weights as init

    data_valid = load_data_text(
        model_emb=model_weight,  # using the same embedding wight with tranining data
summmeer commented 1 year ago


@Dawn-LX In our code, if each GPU loaded different batches, for current gradiant update, it is the same with larger batch size (benefit from multi-GPU).

But with the existing multi-gpu training script, the data is duplicated in each gpu, an it will still run 800 iterations for 4 GPU training

If you want to train total 200 iters on 4 GPU, you can set iters as 50 so that 4 GPU will load 50*4 iters of the data. It maybe ture that this way is not strictly the same as DistrubutedSampler, but on each GPU, the data is not duplicated for each batch.

@kdha0727 Thanks for your clarification, but in code, each node loads different batch of data is we wanted and this fuction is already implemented. I'm a little bit confused by your PR.

kdha0727 commented 1 year ago


Good question!

We follow the training script in Diffusion-LM's repo script/ The you mentioned uses to train the classifier instead of LM itself.

It's true that we "split data per gpu" when we do sampling. That's because we only want to iterate each test case once and in order. However, when training, we set shuffle=True, which means each GPU gets a different batch of data. It functions in the same way as using DistributedSampler.

I understood that you implemented different data loader with shuffle=True keyword in load_data_text function, in diffuseq/ However, this works improperly, due to reasons below.

in, when using shuffle=True, DataLoader objects makes instead of In this case, without generator keyword, RandomSampler makes new torch.Generator() instance, and its seed is set by torch._C._default_generator. (see torch source code.) which is dependent on transformer.set_seed(args.seed) function in As a consequence, we will get same data per each process, even though using shuffle=True keyword.

My PR intended to fix this issues. By setting only generator's seed different, other processes will go on with same seed per each processes!

kdha0727 commented 1 year ago

I tested the outputs, and checked that current code returns same data outputs. Since process 0 uses random generator while initializing random embedding (load_model_emb), data of process 0 was different, however, other processes' datum were same, in output.

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=12233 --use_env --diff_steps 2000 --lr 0.0001 --learning_steps 140000 --save_interval 20000 --seed 102 --noise_schedule sqrt --hidden_dim 128 --bsz 2048 --microbatch 64 --dataset dialogue --data_dir datasets/CommonsenseConversation --vocab bert --seq_len 128 --schedule_sampler lossaware --notes dialogue
Train a diffusion model on images.

import argparse
import json, torch, os
import numpy as np
from diffuseq.utils import dist_util, logger
from diffuseq.text_datasets import load_data_text
from diffuseq.step_sample import create_named_schedule_sampler
from basic_utils import (
from train_util import TrainLoop
from transformers import set_seed
import wandb

### custom your wandb setting here ###
# os.environ["WANDB_API_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] = "offline"

def create_argparser():
    defaults = dict()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    add_dict_to_argparser(parser, defaults) # update latest args according to argparse
    return parser

def main():
    args = create_argparser().parse_args()
    logger.log("### Creating data loader...")

    tokenizer = load_tokenizer(args)
    model_weight, tokenizer = load_model_emb(args, tokenizer)

    data = load_data_text(
        data_args = args,
        model_emb=model_weight # use model's weights as init
    from torch.distributed import barrier, get_rank
    print(get_rank(), next(data)[1]['input_ids'][0])
    import sys
1 tensor([  101,  1045,  2219,  2019,  5641, 14007, 16419,  1012,   102,   102,
          101,  1018,  7787,  1029,  4638,  1012,  3194,  1999,  2392,  1029,
         4638,  1012,  8134,  1037, 18851,  1012,  2039, 22994,  2063,  1012,
          102,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
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2 tensor([  101,  1045,  2219,  2019,  5641, 14007, 16419,  1012,   102,   102,
          101,  1018,  7787,  1029,  4638,  1012,  3194,  1999,  2392,  1029,
         4638,  1012,  8134,  1037, 18851,  1012,  2039, 22994,  2063,  1012,
          102,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
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0 tensor([  101, 25742,  5092,  2497,  2034,  4836,  2385,  2086,  3283,  1010,
         2021,  4268,  2024,  3652,  2039,  2007,  1996,  9476,  2157,  2085,
         1012,  4268,  3065,  2031,  1037,  3109,  1997,  1037, 11142,  2166,
         1012,   102,   102,   101,  2026,  2048,  2095,  2214,  2365,  7425,
         2015, 25742,  5092,  2497,  1012,   102,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
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3 tensor([  101,  1045,  2219,  2019,  5641, 14007, 16419,  1012,   102,   102,
          101,  1018,  7787,  1029,  4638,  1012,  3194,  1999,  2392,  1029,
         4638,  1012,  8134,  1037, 18851,  1012,  2039, 22994,  2063,  1012,
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summmeer commented 1 year ago


@kdha0727 You're right. I just tested the case when --nproc_per_node=2. When the number of nodes is greater than 2, the duplication problem does exist. In this situation, using DistrubutedSampler is a more convenient implementation solution, instead of manually setting random seed? I will fix this soon.

kdha0727 commented 1 year ago


@kdha0727 You're right. I just tested the case when --nproc_per_node=2. When the number of nodes is greater than 2, the duplication problem does exist. In this situation, using DistrubutedSampler is a more convenient implementation solution, instead of manually setting random seed? I will fix this soon.

Yes. my method is fine for infinite loops, however, considering more general cases, DistributedSampler would be more compact solution. Thank you for reviewing!

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago

@summmeer @kdha0727 Thank you for both of your replies and contributions !

1) By the explanation in, I'm now undertstand why the original code use shuffle=True to achieve "each node loads different batch of data", and not need to explicitly split data to each GPU. 2) I am also very appreciate the explanation by @kdha0727 at , which shows simply set shuffle=True can not implement different data loader for each gpu, due to the random seed issue.

Thank both of your contributions again!, from which I learned a lot about torch's DataLoader and random seed.

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago


Another small question (although might not necessary now),

In load_model_emb, how (and where) does the process 0 uses (another?) random generator, another random seed different from process ,1,2,3 ?

kdha0727 commented 1 year ago

@Dawn-LX In default, torch random operation such as torch.randn uses default random generator torch._C._default_genetator (it's for CPU and genrrator for GPU also exists), unless we don't add generator keyword. My intend (for PR) was to make dataloader use another generator instead of default one. Meanwhile, in funcction load_model_emb, when local rank equals 0 function calls torch.nn.init.normal_(model.weight), and this is random operation which uses default generator. (Model initialization is also random process too but it's same in all processes and doesn't make gap)

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago

@Dawn-LX In default, torch random operation such as torch.randn uses default random generator torch._C._default_genetator (it's for CPU and genrrator for GPU also exists), unless we don't add generator keyword. My intend (for PR) was to make dataloader use another generator instead of default one. Meanwhile, in funcction load_model_emb, when local rank equals 0 function calls torch.nn.init.normal_(model.weight), and this is random operation which uses default generator. (Model initialization is also random process too but it's same in all processes and doesn't make gap)

Thank you very much ! I get it !

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago


wait, I still confused.

a) I understand that we construct Dataloader with generator=None, and all processed use RandomSampler, which build new torch.Generator() instance, of which the seed is set by seed = int(torch.empty((), dtype=torch.int64).random_().item()), where the .random_() uses torch._C._default_genetator, which is dependent on transformer.set_seed(args.seed).

b) On the other hand, process 0 calls torch.nn.init.normal_(model.weight), which is also uses torch._C._default_genetator ( and is dependent on transformer.set_seed(args.seed). )

So why process 0 has different data batch in dataloader's interation (uses different random seed) ?, In my view, since all processes use the same seed according to the description in a). Why process-0 do things in b) makes it's dataloader uses another seed ? I mean, why does the seed in RandomSampler has something to do with `torch.nn.init.normal_(model.weight) ?

kdha0727 commented 1 year ago

@Dawn-LX It doesn't mean that process 0 use another seed. In original code all processes use same seed, however, process 0 has ONLY 1 MORE RANDOM OPERATION before RandomSampler being initialized, and this ONLY 1 MORE RANDOM OPERATION makes different random output (for dataloader's seed) even with same seed.

Dawn-LX commented 1 year ago

@Dawn-LX It doesn't mean that process 0 use another seed. In original code all processes use same seed, however, process 0 has ONLY 1 MORE RANDOM OPERATION before RandomSampler being initialized, and this ONLY 1 MORE RANDOM OPERATION makes different random output (for dataloader's seed) even with same seed.

@kdha0727 Thank you! Now it all makes sense to me.

That means in contrast to process 1,2,3, process-0 has different results of this line seed = int(torch.empty((), dtype=torch.int64).random_().item()) when building the generator in RandomSampler. Because process-0 did ONLY 1 MORE RANDOM OPERATION by torch.nn.init.normal_(model.weight).