Shark-NLP / DiffuSeq

[ICLR'23] DiffuSeq: Sequence to Sequence Text Generation with Diffusion Models
MIT License
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train #80

Open mattat0516 opened 5 months ago

mattat0516 commented 5 months ago

I'm trying to train with reference data, but I'm getting an error like this. Here are my script parameter settings and errors. Hope to get an answer, thanks。 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port=12233 --use_env \ --diff_steps 2000 \ --lr 0.0001 \ --learning_steps 50000 \ --save_interval 10000 \ --seed 102 \ --noise_schedule sqrt \ --hidden_dim 128 \ --bsz 2048 \ --dataset CommonsenseConversation \ --data_dir ./datasets/CommonsenseConversation \ --vocab bert \ --seq_len 128 \ --schedule_sampler lossaware \ --notes test-text

error: error: argument --dataset: expected one argument line 3: --diff_steps: command not found