SharonBrizinov / slack-sounds

Customize your Slack sound notifications
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Slack sound duration #1

Open wsarokin opened 1 year ago

wsarokin commented 1 year ago

Hello Sharon, I tried using your slack-sound python script. Everything generally works but when I used it with the sound I was replacing "hummus" with, my input sound got cut off. It's much longer than the "hummus" sound and I was thinking that somehow the duration of "hummus" was being applied to the incoming sound meant to replace it. If you were ever to have another look at your script this might be an issue to consider fixing and one I'd certainly appreciate. Thanks!

origooo commented 11 months ago

Same issue here. Really unfortunate since I have a kick ass 1-2 seconds sound I wanna use

Christiaan-code commented 4 months ago

If you modify the script to replace the boop.mp3 sound then you'll have longer before slack cuts off the sound