Closed craqShen closed 2 years ago
Hi, @craqShen
For question 2, the api_server is already deployed successfully. Let's write down the api_server's IP address.
For question 1, I'm assuming you are trying to deploy edge node on x86 for evaluation. Please let me know if following command works:
git clone
cd DeepCamera
git checkout master
Then you need edit docker/servers.env
If you are running on IP A.A.A.A
You need modify as following:
./ start
Please ignore the error on this machine since you are connecting to cloud server A.A.A.A.
我把一台新的树莓派4B 作为边缘设备,打算在上面运行DeepCamera,以下是它的系统信息:
uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 5.10.63-v7l+ #1459 SMP Wed Oct 6 16:41:57 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux
在apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 后执行以下操作: 1、安装docker:curl -sSL | sh 2、安装依赖:sudo apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev, sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip sudo apt-get remove python-configparser 3、安装docker-compose:sudo pip3 -v install docker-compose
接着安照上面的回复,检查分支、在servers.env修改了对应的信息后,在root角色下运行./ start。但是redis容器显示状态restarting,exited(139), 这是否可能是树莓派4B的硬件问题或者是其他问题,麻烦您看看有什么解决办法?
------ INFO OUTPUT ------ 9:C 07 Mar 1970 07:22:05.000 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo 9:C 07 Mar 1970 07:22:05.000 # Redis version=6.2.6, bits=32, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=9, just started 9:C 07 Mar 1970 07:22:05.000 # Configuration loaded
=== REDIS BUG REPORT START: Cut & paste starting from here === 9:M -12645 Jan 1970 -3:-53:-20.5903 # Redis 6.2.6 crashed by signal: 6, si_code: -6 9:M -12645 Jan 1970 -3:-53:-20.5903 # Killed by PID: 9, UID: 0 9:M -12645 Jan 1970 -3:-53:-20.5903 # Crashed running the instruction at: 0xb6b0bc66
------ STACK TRACE ------ EIP: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/[0xb6b0bc66]
Backtrace: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/[0xb6b1bcc0] /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/[0xb6b0bc66] /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/[0xb6b1aea0]
------ REGISTERS ------ 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # R10:00000000006c24d0 R9 :00000000005c2500 R8 :00000000005c24e4 R7 :00000000000000af R6 :0000000000000001 R5 :00000000bedfd884 R4 :0000000000000000 R3 :0000000000000008 R2 :0000000000000000 R1 :00000000bedfd884 R0 :0000000000000000 EC :0000000000000000 fp: 00000000bedfdd70 ip:00000000000000af pc:00000000b6b0bc66 sp:00000000bedfd878 cpsr:0000000000010030 fault_address:0000000000000000
9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd887) -> 00000000 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd886) -> bedfd983 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd885) -> 0057a719 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd884) -> 00000000 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd883) -> b6efd728 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd882) -> 005e1000 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd881) -> 000000bc 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd880) -> 2800f000 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd87f) -> bedfd982 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd87e) -> 00010000 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd87d) -> 00000002 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd87c) -> 00000000 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd87b) -> 00000000 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd87a) -> bedfd983 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd879) -> b6b1aea1 9:M -14221 Jan 1970 -10:-45:-16.000 # (bedfd878) -> 00000095
Hi, @craqShen Are you using nano branch, you should checkout to Raspberry branch by following command:
git checkout raspberry_pi_stable
Hi, @craqShen Are you using nano branch, you should checkout to Raspberry branch by following command:
git checkout raspberry_pi_stable
我删掉容器后重启树莓派,重新拉取了代码并切换到raspberry_pi_stable分支,修改了servers.env,再在root角色下运行./ start,redis仍无法启动,日志类似上面回复中的内容。
以下是操作内容: docker-compose -f docker-compose-rpi.yml down -v reboot git clone cd DeepCamera && git checkout raspberry_pi_stable vim docker/servers.env ./ start
cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
getconf LONG_BIT
The redis is pulled from public repo, could you try to tun this command:
docker run -ti arm32v7/redis:latest redis-server
if it failed, we need build one from source, let me know if you need it, then I can work on that.
if the latest version doesn't work, you can try this one:
docker run -ti arm32v7/redis:3.2.11 redis-server
if still not work, you need build it locally:
cd DeepCamera/docker/build/redis/
docker build . -t redis_local_build:latest .
then modify the docker compose yaml file to load this image for redis
change arm32v7/redis:latest
to redis_local_build:latest
我在手机app上测试识别结果的时候,在group下的device下一直获取不到识别的人脸图片。 查看树莓派上的detector_plugin日志时,从日志上看 人脸应该是识别到了,但是好像上传图片失败了,是要上传到私有云系统的minio里吗? 在树莓派上启动deepcamera的时候配置文件servers.env里没有配置minio的地方,日志里的minio地址显示是“http://minio:9000/”
以下是detector_plugin的部分日志 (是私有云系统服务器ip)
============================= upload errr, need retry 1st upload err, retry after 5s upload errr, need retry 2nd upload err, retry after 15s Lorex_1] tid: 1636447076024 person num: 1 face num: 1 cost: 1523 JSON.parse(result.result)= { result: { style: 'front', face_fuzziness: 650.7703841597476, recognized: false, detected: true, key: '5775414e-4138-11ec-9b5e-0242ac12000a', face_id: '16364470760240000', accuracy: 0 }, api_data: { api_url: '', payload: { img_ts: 1636447076024, style: 'front', uuid: 'e45f013c9e56', fuzziness: 650.7703841597476, type: 'face', event_type: 'danger', p_ids: null, waiting: false, current_ts: 1636447078292, tid: '1636447076024', position: '', group_id: '99e11d0141386caf9f3a2a8f', img_url: '', id: '16364470760240000', sqlid: 0, accuracy: 0 } } } json.result.key[ 5775414e-4138-11ec-9b5e-0242ac12000a ]task_info.path /opt/nvr/detector/images/deepeye_1636447076017_0.png { trackerid: 1636447076024, style: 'front', blury: 650.7703841597476, width: 713, totalPeople: 1, path: '/opt/nvr/detector/images/deepeye_1636447076017_0.png', ts: 1636447076024, cameraId: 'Lorex_1', height: 713, embedding_path: '/opt/nvr/detector/images/deepeye_1636447076017_0.png.txt' } classify result json: { result: { style: 'front', face_fuzziness: 650.7703841597476, recognized: false, detected: true, face_id: '16364470760240000', accuracy: 0, url: 'http://minio:9000/faces/5775414e-4138-11ec-9b5e-0242ac12000a' }, api_data: { api_url: '', payload: { img_ts: 1636447076024, style: 'front', uuid: 'e45f013c9e56', fuzziness: 650.7703841597476, type: 'face', event_type: 'danger', p_ids: null, waiting: false, current_ts: 1636447078292, tid: '1636447076024', position: '', group_id: '99e11d0141386caf9f3a2a8f', img_url: '', id: '16364470760240000', sqlid: 0, accuracy: 0 } } } recognitions result---- { style: 'front', face_fuzziness: 650.7703841597476, recognized: false, detected: true, face_id: '16364470760240000', accuracy: 0, url: 'http://minio:9000/faces/5775414e-4138-11ec-9b5e-0242ac12000a' } { style: 'front', face_fuzziness: 650.7703841597476, recognized: false, detected: true, face_id: '16364470760240000', accuracy: 0, url: 'http://minio:9000/faces/5775414e-4138-11ec-9b5e-0242ac12000a' } unknown message { style: 'front', face_fuzziness: 650.7703841597476, recognized: false, detected: true, face_id: '16364470760240000', accuracy: 0, url: 'http://minio:9000/faces/5775414e-4138-11
Hi, @craqShen you need to chance the server addresses in file:
change minio to
我修改了aws.env的内容,重新执行了./ start,日志里还是显示上传失败。 后来发现在私有云系统的minio里没有"faces"的bucket,创建了bucket之后app上可以收到识别的图像了,十分感谢您的帮助!
我下载的APP是debug.apk app使用过程中有一些疑问,比如: 1、在我第一次进入group的时候,有一个询问框询问是否进入部署评测,选择进入后,提示“您的设备未连接”,但是app上是能够收到图像的。 2、一开始操作的时候,标记了15张较为清晰的人脸图像,embedding容器里没有"insert into db"的日志,也没能识别familiar的人脸; 之后我尝试在树莓派上的minio,添加了faces的bucket,并且把原先就有的shapai的bucket权限设成了read and write,embedding容器里看到了"insert into db"的日志,多次标记后可以识别familiar人脸了。 3、如果看到了familiar的人脸,在app的MESSAGE-group群组里不会收到“识别到熟悉的人”的类似消息;在app通知里会出现消息,但短时间内多次识别成功只有一次消息。
Hi, @craqShen Thanks for the evaluation and the bug fixing.
Also, you can try to run the previous version which has no privacy protection at that time:
close because we covered the installation pain point by one command line:
sharpai-cli deepcamera start
Describe the bug 我尝试在centos7虚拟机上运行deepcamera,在运行到api_server的时候报了一个错误,下面是api_server docker容器的日志,使用的是api_server:3.4.1镜像。
=> Started proxy => Started MongoDB => Errors prevented startup: While selecting package versions: error: Package version not in catalog: crosswalk 1.7.1 While refreshing package catalog to resolve previous errors: error: Network error: wss:// certificate has expired => Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context 另外还有个问题想请教下,环境是同样的linux centos7.9。在部署私有云系统的时候,执行了./ start 执行到最后的日志为下,(日志里面没有任何Error),是否表示已经成功部署?但是没有自动结束这个部署脚本。 api_server | I20211028-06:56:04.253(0)? log: [ [Object], [Object] ] } ] api_server | I20211028-06:56:04.325(0)? [] api_server | I20211028-06:56:05.544(0)? ----setup smtp server--- api_server | I20211028-06:56:05.575(0) (percolate_synced-cron.js:87) SyncedCron: Scheduled "send report email 12:00 am every day" next run @Thu Oct 28 2021 06:56:05 GMT+0000 (U api_server | => Started your app. api_server | api_server | => App running at: http://localhost:3000/ api_server | I20211028-07:00:00.009(0) (percolate_synced-cron.js:87) SyncedCron: Starting "send report email 12:00 am every day". api_server | I20211028-07:00:00.013(0)? send email out api_server | I20211028-07:00:00.015(0) (percolate_synced-cron.js:87) SyncedCron: Finished "send report email 12:00 am every day". api_server | I20211028-07:01:18.812(0)? send offline notification api_server | I20211028-07:01:18.815(0)? { clientId: 'test_client_id_1111' } api_server | I20211028-07:01:18.815(0)? send offline notification to test_client_id_1111 api_server | I20211028-08:00:00.010(0) (percolate_synced-cron.js:87) SyncedCron: Starting "send report email 12:00 am every day". api_server | I20211028-08:00:00.016(0)? send email out