Pull request to add custom reporters and booleans - This is replacing #4 which used an old PR on the Scratch repo but because that PR was old and the interpreter changed we were unable to do it
Task list:
[x] Add GUI - Preferably with buttons that show the shape and say "Command Block", "Reporter Block" and "Boolean Block"
[x] Add a "report %s" cap and a "report %b" cap
[ ] Make the blocks report!
[ ] (Not required - Please complete other stuff first before trying this) Make it so that the cap can only be put on the correct sort of custom block
Push/pull request to the custom-reporters-booleans-attempt-2 branch!
Pull request to add custom reporters and booleans - This is replacing #4 which used an old PR on the Scratch repo but because that PR was old and the interpreter changed we were unable to do it
Task list:
Push/pull request to the custom-reporters-booleans-attempt-2 branch!