Shashank02051997 / FancyAboutPage-Android

Fancy About Page is a simple and lightweight library that helps you to create cool and beautiful about page for your apps without writing dozens of lines of code. It's a material-design about screen to use on your Android apps. A developer profile and application information easy to integrate.
Apache License 2.0
84 stars 27 forks source link

changing or adding custom socialmedia #6

Open alikazemiinfo opened 2 years ago

alikazemiinfo commented 2 years ago

Hello, I hope you are doing well I also wanted to thank your great library And to request that you add a feature that can add other social networks or the desired icon for the link For example, I want to use Telegram instead of Facebook, which does not allow this!

Shashank02051997 commented 2 years ago

@alikazemiinfo Hey nice idea but I will recommend you to fork this repo and make the changes as per your need or download the library folder from this repo and make some modifications as per your requirements and use it in your project