Shathe / Semantic-Segmentation-Tensorflow-Eager

An example of semantic segmentation using tensorflow in eager execution.
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Deconvolution #1

Closed bhack closed 5 years ago

bhack commented 5 years ago

Are the deconv (transpose conv) going to create artifacts in the decoder? (there are many mentions to this 2016 paper)

bhack commented 5 years ago

I.e. Check

Shathe commented 5 years ago

Yes, it could be. I think that's kind of controversial because that post focuses more on RGB images, I mean as a results, where those artifacts matter more than in semantic segmentation.

I see different architectures with upsamplings and with deconvolutions but I do not see any community agreement. I edited the code now with the upsampling layer (I did not deleted the traspose convolution code). Nevertheless, Deeplabv3 architecture relies on the upsampling in stead of the convolutions, so I guess as MNasnet is also from Google, I'll go with the upsampling haha

Shathe commented 5 years ago

What do you think?

bhack commented 5 years ago

Yes Deeplabv3 Deeplabv3+ and follow-up use up sampling.

In MNasnet paper segmentation was in "future" section so there is any reference implementation. Please check on the last work I mentioned if you find something interesting. I've also mentioned your work in

Shathe commented 5 years ago

Sure!, thanks a lot! :D

bhack commented 5 years ago

If you are interested the mentioned arxiv paper code is available at