Shaun-Regenbaum / tf_db

This is the repository containing the work for a publicly available transcription factor database backend, and potentially the UI to access it.
MIT License
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Closed Shaun-Regenbaum closed 11 months ago

Shaun-Regenbaum commented 11 months ago

Where did we get the initial DB from? Where did we get the metabolic gene list from?

jonahdiamond commented 11 months ago

Sources of the columns of the database:

{Ensembl ID, HGNC symbol, DBD, TF assessment, Binding mode, Motif Status, Final Notes, Final Comments, Interpro ID(s), EntrezGene ID, EntrezGene Description, PDB ID, TF tested by HT-SELEX?, TF tested by PBM?, Conditional Binding Requirements, Original Comments, Vaquerizas 2009 classification, CisBP considers it a TF?, TFcat classification, Is a GO TF?, Initial assessment, Curator 1, Curator 2, TFclass considers it a TF?, Go Evidence, Pfam Domains (By ENSP ID), Is C2H2 ZF(KRAB)?, Is TF}

{Related Genes HGNC}

Source of metabolic gene list: