ShaunPrice / FSEQLib

Library for reading the header on FSEQ files generated by Xlights for displaying Xlights sequences.
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Compiling errors #5

Closed dallen98 closed 3 years ago

dallen98 commented 3 years ago

Hello shaun I have today placed your code into my arduino ide v 1.8.12 selected ESP32 dev module and get ... 'class SdFat' has no member named 'end'

I then select Generic ESP8266 module and get... 'D2' was not declared in this scope on line 63, any ideas or remedies ? Thanks

dallen98 commented 3 years ago

since writing above i have just updated SdFat by Bill Greiman to version 2.01, i then select nodemcu 0.9 (ESP-12 Module) and this now compiles however when I try to compile with ESP Dev module, ESP32 Wrover, NODE32s, NODEMCU-32s I still get this error.... 'SdFat {aka class SdFat32}' has no member named 'end' Which boards should I be choosing ? Thanks

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

You might have an SD library issue. I just compiled it with the inbuilt SD library for the ESP32 Wrover without an issue. I would recommend removing the third party SD library or point to the standard libraries.

dallen98 commented 3 years ago

i,m just trying this on a different windows10 pc with a new install of arduino ide 1.8.13 i get this output on the ide...

Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "ESP32 Dev Module, Disabled, Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS), 240MHz (WiFi/BT), QIO, 80MHz, 4MB (32Mb), 921600, None"

FSEQPlayer:42:19: fatal error: SdFat.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

Multiple libraries were found for "FastLED.h"

Used: C:\Users\PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\FastLED

Not used: C:\Users\PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\FastLED8.1

exit status 1

SdFat.h: No such file or directory

This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" option enabled in File -> Preferences.

I see in libraries manager several SdFat options to add to my library including SdFat by Bill Greiman to version 2.01, let me know which one Thanks Dave

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

Below is the software and library versions I'm using. I just checked and they're the latest versions.

Arduino 1.8.13 Espressif's ESP32 v1.0.4 - FastLED v3.3.3 (from -

The SD library is included in Espressif's installation. The original FastLED from is at version 3.3.3. A file saying FastLED8.1 appears to be the wrong library.

Let me know how you go.

dallen98 commented 3 years ago

thanks for quick reply, my libraries are full of custom code so for the avoidance of doubt i,m going to match your above software on a third pc in the coming days and let you know cheers

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

You could also try PlatformIO. It has all the latest libraries and boards. I also I just uploaded FSEQLib to the platform. The libraries are per project so you'll have a clean build.

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

I just performed a successful end-to-end test using the example app on PlatformIO using a new Wemos Lolin32 dev board and the below config. I also tried the Arduino IDE with no issues. Try PlatformIO and let me know how you go.

[env:lolin32] platform = espressif32 board = lolin32 framework = arduino lib_deps = fastled/FastLED@^3.3.3 shaunprice/FSEQLib@^1.1.1

dallen98 commented 3 years ago

I have fresh installed onto win10 the arduino ide 1.8.13 and esp32 v1.04 and fastled v 3.3.3 and then selected wemos lolin32 and get... SdFat.h: No such file or directory I then repeat the above on win7 and get the same error, if you could suggest a way forward thanks

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

I found some issues in the headers again. It appears that the ESP8266 have reverted from SdFat to what they were previously. I've updated the example in the latest release v1.1.2. I also found some other issues I fixed such as the pin reference was using aliases that weren't available to generic ESP8266's that I've now fixed.

Let me know how the new version goes.

dallen98 commented 3 years ago

yes this now compiles/uploads on my esp32 wroom thankyou

dallen98 commented 3 years ago

...and i now have this serial output, does it look ok ?

Buffer Failed to load. Closing File and SD card Initializing SD card...card initialized. File size: 7837

== Xlights FSEQ Header

Magic: PSEQ⸮ Data Offset: 148 Version: 2.0 Header Length: 112 Channels per Step: 768 Number of Steps: 600 Step Time (ms): 50 Universes: 2561 Size of Universe: N/A Gamma: 16 Light Type: UNKNOWN

done! Buffer Failed to load. Closing File and SD card Initializing SD card...card initialized. File size: 7837

== Xlights FSEQ Header

Magic: PSEQ⸮ Data Offset: 148 Version: 2.0 Header Length: 112 Channels per Step: 768 Number of Steps: 600 Step Time (ms): 50 Universes: 2561 Size of Universe: N/A Gamma: 16 Light Type: UNKNOWN

done! Buffer Failed to load. Closing File and SD card Initializing SD card...card initialized. File size: 7837

== Xlights FSEQ Header

Magic: PSEQ⸮

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

Your buffer is to large. With 2561 universes and 768 channels you need a buffer of almost 2Mb. You would normally only have one universe. Look at the instructions on how to set up a universe in xlights. You should have a buffer under 1kb even if you're running 300 pixels.

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

Closing issue as it has been proven to work with correct data.

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

Your buffer is to large. With 2561 universes and 768 channels you need a buffer of almost 2Mb. You would normally only have one universe. Look at the instructions on how to set up a universe in xlights. You should have a buffer under 1kb even if you're running 300 pixels.

...and i now have this serial output, does it look ok ?

Buffer Failed to load. Closing File and SD card

Initializing SD card...card initialized. File size: 7837

== Xlights FSEQ Header

Magic: PSEQ⸮

Data Offset: 148 Version: 2.0 Header Length: 112 Channels per Step: 768 Number of Steps: 600 Step Time (ms): 50 Universes: 2561 Size of Universe: N/A Gamma: 16 Light Type: UNKNOWN


Buffer Failed to load. Closing File and SD card Initializing SD card...card initialized. File size: 7837

== Xlights FSEQ Header

Magic: PSEQ⸮

Data Offset: 148 Version: 2.0 Header Length: 112 Channels per Step: 768 Number of Steps: 600 Step Time (ms): 50 Universes: 2561 Size of Universe: N/A Gamma: 16 Light Type: UNKNOWN


Buffer Failed to load. Closing File and SD card Initializing SD card...card initialized. File size: 7837

== Xlights FSEQ Header

Magic: PSEQ⸮

I just had similar issues and noticed something in you file. It's version 2.0. The library was created for version 1.0 but it's been updated to v2.0 in xlights. I'll be fixing this over the next couple of days so it works with both versions.

ShaunPrice commented 3 years ago

Version-2.0.0 branch has been uploaded but requires more testing. A workaround is in the readme that requires the sequence preferences to be changed to save to FSEQ v1.0 file format by going to [File][Preferences] sequence tab and changing the FSEQ Version to V1.