ShawnDEvans / smbmap

SMBMap is a handy SMB enumeration tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.76k stars 343 forks source link

Doesn't do null sessions #29

Closed filipesam closed 4 years ago

filipesam commented 5 years ago

Smbmap can't login with null sessions, i've tried smbmap -u '' -p '' -H, and without user and password (smbmap -H, since the docs say it should use null when username is not provided. On the same host and share using smbclient -L // -U '' -N i'm able to see the share and login with null sessions. Please check the attached image: Capture

thanks for this great tool :)

0xdf-0xdf commented 5 years ago

As a workaround, I think you can do -u notausername and it will then work

ShawnDEvans commented 4 years ago

It seems to support NULL session just fine for my tests:

$ ./ -u '' -p '' --host-file test.txt 
[!] Authentication error on
[+] IP:   Name: shawnevans-pc.lan                                 
[+] IP:   Name: localhost                                         
        Disk                                                    Permissions Comment
    ----                                                    ----------- -------
    print$                                              NO ACCESS   Printer Drivers
    IPC$                                                NO ACCESS   IPC Service (pop-os server (Samba, Ubuntu))
    HP-LaserJet-1020                                    NO ACCESS   HP LaserJet 1020

I'd suggest cloning the latest to see if that resolves anything.

Techbrunch commented 4 years ago

I ran into a similar issue and the problem was that I was using the -L option which doesn't do anything if not authenticated (unless I'm mistaken):

mex_group2.add_argument("-L", dest='list_drives', action="store_true", help="List all drives on the specified host")
if args.list_drives:
    if is_admin:
        mysmb.list_drives(host, args.share)

Using only the -H option or with -R or -r worked as expected.

I think it would be nice to add an error message when is_admin is false and add a note in the readme.

Let me know if you would be interested in a pull request.

ShawnDEvans commented 4 years ago

I should probably make this more clear in the argparse help. -L lists the physical and connected network drives on a given host, which are different than the SMB shared resources being served. The -L argument also requires remote command execution, which implies admin access.

ShawnDEvans commented 4 years ago

Added a bit more context to the -L arg in the help. Verified and validated that it works with NULL sessions. Added logic to indicate the type of session (Guest, Admin, Authenticated). I think we should be good. Log a new issue if this bug persists. Thanks!

EricoCartmanez commented 4 years ago
smbmap -H -L
[!] Authentication error on

smbmap -H -r
[!] Authentication error on

smbmap -H -R
[!] Authentication error on

smbclient //
Enter WORKGROUP\root's password: 
<I leave blank>

Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> 
ShawnDEvans commented 4 years ago

This is actually an issue with Impaket based on what other users have experienced. Try updating Impacket, and let me know if that does the trick. There's a chance I may need to update the requirements.txt.

Regarding -L, this actually lists the network and physical local drives on the system you're interacting with, not the SMB shared resources. As such -L requires admin rights on the target host. SMBMap is just running a few commands via WMI execution, and parsing the output a bit.

Thanks for the bug report. Let me know if the Impacket update does the trick.


EricoCartmanez commented 4 years ago

Your suggestion worked ;)

pip3 install --upgrade impacket


smbmap -H

[+] Guest session       IP:   Name:                                     
        Disk                                                    Permissions Comment
    ----                                                    ----------- -------
    print$                                          NO ACCESS   Printer Drivers
    anonymous                                 READ ONLY Skynet Anonymous Share
    milesdyson                                 NO ACCESS    Miles Dyson Personal Share
    IPC$                                           NO ACCESS IPC Service (skynet server (Samba, Ubuntu))

Thank you.

ShawnDEvans commented 4 years ago

Awesome! I'm glad to hear that did the trick!

choket commented 3 years ago

I'm afraid there's still an issue with null sessions. Executing just smbmap -H gives me "Access Denied". However, executing smbmap -H -u SomeRandomUsername works. I have updated impacket to the latest version
