ShayBox / Mon2Cam

Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing
MIT License
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"Turn off any sources using Mon2Cam before starting script" #10

Closed TogarUshindi closed 4 years ago

TogarUshindi commented 4 years ago

I haven't had the opportunity to use Mon2Cam since my last open issue, but now that I tried, after selecting my monitor, it comes up with this error, then dumps out to command prompt:

"Turn off any sources using Mon2Cam before starting script"

afaik I don't have any sources using Mon2Cam running. In fact, just to confirm, I restarted my system, and it's still happening. How can I check to see if anything is running that might be conflicting? Dependencies, etc?

TogarUshindi commented 4 years ago

I suddenly realized, if there was any specific thing I should add that could be relevant to this is that I had a graphic card change since three weeks ago. I had an old GeForce9, but now am using a hand-me-down GTX 1070. The driver I am using is the recommended one:

driver : nvidia-driver-440 - third-party free recommended

TogarUshindi commented 4 years ago

I just rolled back to the proprietary nvidia-driver-435 and no change in behavior.

TogarUshindi commented 4 years ago

Just tried unplugging one of the monitors to see if it was the HDMI-to-DVI adapter causing the issue, and it still shows up with the error.

ShayBox commented 4 years ago

Change your webcam source in discord settings, it's still using the webcam even when not in a call

TogarUshindi commented 4 years ago

I don't have a webcam.


(In fact, Mon2Cam is giving me that message even when Discord isn't running.)

TogarUshindi commented 4 years ago

Figured it out! Had to recompile v4l2loopback. Might be because the video hardware changed? Or some other reason. Not sure, don't care, it's working!

ShayBox commented 4 years ago

That's weird