ShayBox / Mon2Cam

Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing
MIT License
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Won't display anything if the display size is above 1080p #30

Closed AkaiiKitsune closed 3 years ago

AkaiiKitsune commented 3 years ago

This won't work if you're trying to run the app with no arguments on a 1440p screen, works when you use Mon2Cam -m 0 -r 1920:1080 though !

Maybe it should automatically fallback to 1920*1080 by default if the selected screen resolution is above 1080p ?

ShayBox commented 3 years ago

What's your native resolution, I've only had issues with discord if it wasn't 16:9 aspect ratio

AkaiiKitsune commented 3 years ago

That screen is 2560x1440, i run a triple screen setup as follows : 0: +*HDMI-0 2560/597x1440/336+1920+0 HDMI-0 1: +DVI-D-0 1920/531x1080/299+4480+579 DVI-D-0 2: +DP-3 1920/531x1080/299+0+579 DP-3 It works out of the box for screens 1 and 2, but screen 0, the 2k one, needs the resolution parameters to be below 1920*1080 otherwise nothing shows up

botiapa commented 3 years ago

If I had to guess it's probably because discord only supports a list of resolutions. And probably there's a standard for cameras that define what resolutions are supported. But this is only a guess. If someone could test this with a 4k monitor that'd be great.

AkaiiKitsune commented 3 years ago

Probably, i'll try to see if i can ask a friend to try it out on his monitor

botiapa commented 3 years ago

Cool thanks. I think it should work with a 4k monitor , because there are surely 4k cams around. The big question is if discord supports it. (You might need nitro, or they might downscale it, I have no idea)

kattjevfel commented 3 years ago

I literally added the -r option for this exact reason, I too have a 2560x1440 screen and setting it to 1080p solves it.

botiapa commented 3 years ago

@kattjevfel Yeah but he asked if it should automatically fallback to 1080p

Craig-Macomber commented 3 years ago

If I had to guess it's probably because discord only supports a list of resolutions. And probably there's a standard for cameras that define what resolutions are supported. But this is only a guess. If someone could test this with a 4k monitor that'd be great.

Same result on 4k. Forcing 1920*1080 fixes it.

botiapa commented 3 years ago

@Craig-Macomber Isn't that because without nitro that's the maximum resolution?

Craig-Macomber commented 3 years ago

@Craig-Macomber Isn't that because without nitro that's the maximum resolution?

No idea. Discord doesn't give any errors, it just never loads the camera view. Same problem I've occasionally had with my actual web cam. I also got the same error with some smaller resolutions (ex: 640 by 480). 1920 by 1080 was the only size I found that worked, though I only tried a few.

botiapa commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the input. I'm closing the issue, as the error is on discord's side. Feel free to reopen if you find something interesting.