ShayBox / Mon2Cam

Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing
MIT License
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black screen in discord - using the virtual monitor #42

Closed vifrac closed 3 years ago

vifrac commented 3 years ago

when I use the command "mon2cam" and select one of the monitors and I use "ffplay /dep/video50" for show output in new window, I see virtual monitor correctly in that screen. But when I open discord and validate the virtual camera, this monitor show black screen, I find a posted in github where speak the problem, I solved change the output resolution with this command "mon2cam -f 30 -d 8 -m 1 -r 640x480 -v"

the post:

You must validate a resolution aprox to your monitor because Discord dont accept all resolutions, anybody know other forms I can resolve this issuee?

ShayBox commented 3 years ago

Discord doesn't like all resolutions, that's why the scaling flag was added

botiapa commented 3 years ago

@ShayBox What do you say about adding warnings when a (probably) unsupported resolution is detected?

ShayBox commented 3 years ago

That's fine, non 1080 and 720 resolutions guess?

botiapa commented 3 years ago

Yeah that works