ShayBox / Mon2Cam

Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing
MIT License
337 stars 33 forks source link

cant run the software after install #61

Closed alexeyhramov123 closed 3 years ago

alexeyhramov123 commented 3 years ago

DEBUG Starting Mon2Cam with the following options: Options { framerate: 60, device: 50, resolution: "", ffmpeg: [], border: false, sound: false, wayland: false, loggerOptions: { verbose: true, file: "log" }, execOptions: { verbose: true, output: 3 } } DEBUG Checking if V4L2 device exists DEBUG V4L2 device not found with id 50, creating it

Exec Context: 2a93d96b-bb11-4a23-8ffc-9e34aa88fea4 Exec Options: { verbose: true, output: 3 } Exec Command: sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback Exec Command Splits: [sudo,modprobe,-r,v4l2loopback] error: Uncaught PermissionDenied: Permission denied (os error 13) at processResponse (core.js:226:13) at Object.jsonOpSync (core.js:250:12) at opRun (deno:cli/rt/40_process.js:19:17) at (deno:cli/rt/40_process.js:103:17) at exec (exec.ts:60:15) at mod.ts:22:20 at async mod.ts:15:1

sakethkollu commented 3 years ago

Hey, I had the same issue and I resolved it. I am on Ubuntu 20.10

  1. Remove your deno installation (assuming you used snap) sudo snap remove deno.
  2. Download and extract from
  3. The extracted file will be named ./deno and I am assuming its in your ~/Downloads/ directory.
  4. Ensure ./deno is executable chmod +x ./deno
  5. Move the file into /usr/bin/ directory using sudo mv ./deno /usr/bin/
  6. After "installing" mon2cam you should be able to run mon2cam without sudo in terminal and it should no longer have the issue.
ShayBox commented 3 years ago

Snaps are always a bad idea, but the only thing you need to do to install deno is
curl -fsSL | sh