ShayBox / Mon2Cam

Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing
MIT License
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added a quickfix to support doas #71

Closed BenjaminCB closed 3 years ago

BenjaminCB commented 3 years ago

I'm no typescript expert, so this might not be that great of a fix, but it seems to be working.

ShayBox commented 3 years ago

If you're using doas as a sudo replacement (which its not very good at), you should have a sudo alias or wrapper installed, nothing will work if you dont have a sudo command.

Sudo is a required base package on every linux distro, it's directly called by most programs that don't use pam auth.

I can get behind having a flag to pass your own sudo binary name but as a strict fallback only, it's useless, there's no reason you wouldn't have a sudo and would have doas.