ShayBox / Mon2Cam

Workaround for multi-monitor Discord screensharing
MIT License
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error on garuda X64, with zen kernel 5.11.15, nvidia graphics card with the 465.24.02 driver version and gnome 40. #73

Closed p3nox closed 3 years ago

p3nox commented 3 years ago

i got the error ¨PANIC Failed to create V4L2 device with id 50¨ when trying to run the mon2cam. before the update of the graphic driver, (and many other things, it was a full system update, but in 3 days the most important thing that i needed to update was the driver) everything was fine and working, and then i got this error.

ShayBox commented 3 years ago

Honestly I'm not using the latest nvidia driver, it's completely broken and causes kernel panics at boot, i'd just downgrade and see if that fixes it

p3nox commented 3 years ago

well, as said im using garuda (arch based), and i dont know if i can just downgrade, considering the bleeding edge way of the distro (i`m new at the linux world, so if it has a way, i appreciate if you can please tell me how).

ShayBox commented 3 years ago

I use the downgrade package, idk what your repos are like but it'll probably work

p3nox commented 3 years ago

in my researches the only way to make it work, is to use the whole old kernel version. this a thing that is very hard considering that some programs just breaks with old kernels on arch. apparently the only viable way to make it work again on arch linux it´s making a patch. i really like your job, and i really need it, so i`m not happy with the idea of stopping using your program, i would really appreciate your help :)

ShayBox commented 3 years ago

Well canary fixed screensharing, and I'm able to use v4l2loopback-dkms with both linux and linux-zen latest, I just can't boot the latest nvidia driver

p3nox commented 3 years ago

thanks, the canary fixed the problem :)