Open davidwallis opened 1 year ago
I finally got something working regarding the extension methods and have posted here
but for anyone that stumbles on this I'll duplicate here:
After a lot of head scratching I finally realised I was failing because of the extension methods, so this code will allow you to create a log entry:
using assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
using assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll
using assembly OpenTelemetry.dll
using assembly OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Console.dll
$factory = [Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFactory]::Create({
[Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.OpenTelemetryLoggingExtensions]::AddOpenTelemetry($builder, {
$logger = $factory.CreateLogger('MyLogger')
because of issues downloading nuget packages with powershell this will create a simple class library and then pack the required dll's into the current folder
dotnet new classlib -o $PSScriptRoot\assemblies -n assemblies --force -f net7.0
dotnet add "$PSScriptRoot\assemblies\assemblies.csproj" package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging --version 6.0.0
dotnet add "$PSScriptRoot\assemblies\assemblies.csproj" package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console --version 6.0.0
dotnet add "$PSScriptRoot\assemblies\assemblies.csproj" package OpenTelemetry --version 1.6.0
dotnet add "$PSScriptRoot\assemblies\assemblies.csproj" package OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Console --version 1.6.0
dotnet publish $PSScriptRoot\assemblies\assemblies.csproj --configuration Release --output $PSScriptRoot
great work with this.
Just wondering if you had managed to make a simple logging example work. I'm struggling at the moment as I think it's down to Powershell not liking the extension methods for the AddOpenTelemetry
something like this I was trying and would welcome any advice: