Shazbot / WH3-Mod-Manager

Mod manager for Total War: Warhammer 3, Steam version only
MIT License
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Merging mods on mod manager #17

Closed coatsey111 closed 1 year ago

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

Hey I was wondering any way of explaining the merge mod section abit more cause I can’t seem to get it to work at all, no Matter how little or big the amount merged constant ctd , and am I meant to take it out of the merged folder and place it in my data folder thanks .

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

Try version 1.26.3

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

Yea ive tried it with 1.26.3,exactly the same issues

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

ok, can you try subbing to this mod merging just that mod and running with just the new merged mod if it crashes can you upload the merged .pack and the my_mods.txt file in the WH3 steam folder

can the mod manager find the merged mod if you restart the app without you moving it to data? if it can't can you try deleting the WH3/merged folder (note that it's not in data anymore) and creating that folder manually, then try making a new merged file

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago


The mod manager cant find the merged mod without it going to data folder ,but ill delete and try again manually adding it .

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

No still no luck unfortunately

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

ok, can you upload the merged pack with just that mod I linked above merged? and the my_mods.txt file, you can drag them as attachments

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago


coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

not letting me send the pack file over says dont support that file type

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

hm I think you can just rename .pack to .zip

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

have another file its a json file above the pack file is that normal ?

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago


Shazbot commented 1 year ago

yeah, the json file is normal

can you run the game with 0 mods activated? and if you use the WH3 launcher?

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

Yeah pure vanilla from warhammer launcher starts no problem

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

I tried with putting your merged pack in data and using it and it does work ingame for me, I checked the pack file contents and they're fine, it shouldn't crash as an incorrect pack file.

Can you check if you can run the game if you have 0 mods enabled in the mod manger. And if you have only that merged file put in data and enabled, no other mods enabled.

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

Yeah that worked for me

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

But with larger merged packs dont seem to work is there a limit or what type of mods you can merge?

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

If it's in data you must disable other mods that are in the merged pack since it checks the .json file to find out what mods are in the merged file. If those mods are enabled it'll crash. I think that's the problem.

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

No it crashes if those mods are either enabled too or disabled being just the merged mod enabled like the one i just tried

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

it could be it merges some mod incorrectly and the merged pack isn't correct, if you can isolate the mod that fails to merge or upload the merged file that crashes I can maybe find out why

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

Thats okay can you check even if its quite a big list if i upload the merged file ?

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

Yeah I think so

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

files too big dammit

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

ok, can you enable all the mods that you'd merge in that pack and go Other Options -> share mod list -> export to clipboard and paste that here

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago


coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

like that ?

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

can you also upload the merged pack somewhere like ? may be easier for me

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

wont let me on that site for some reason

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

is the size of the merged pack 7,15 GB (7.681.890.859 bytes) in file properties?

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

yea around about that

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

Ok, I'll look into it but it'll take a lot of time to parse that thing. There are some things with submods that could be a culprit.

And as a note, I don't think you gain anything from merging all those packs, since you're not hitting the mod limit. If you want higher performance from data mods you can use Copy To Data every time before you start the game.

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

No my mod list isnt finished the one i usually use is over the limit and want to add more but cant cause of the limit that one i sent was part of my mod list

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

that's 105 mods enabled in the mod manager? and the game works? it's possible I have corrupted download packs, but the game crashes for me with those mods

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

That’s strange works no problem for me just those 105 with no merged mods included

coatsey111 commented 1 year ago

Got it sorted thank goodness,thank you for the help appreciate it!

Morabert commented 1 year ago

it could be it merges some mod incorrectly and the merged pack isn't correct, if you can isolate the mod that fails to merge or upload the merged file that crashes I can maybe find out why

What would be Fantastic for doing Just Exactly that is if the Mod Manger published a Crash Log, Like with Minecraft Launchers.

Shazbot commented 1 year ago

such issues won't produce errors or crashes until WH3 tries to use them (and the game doesn't do useful crash logs)