Shaztech / Pilldispenser

Automated pill dispenser
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Floating parts in A17 - Top Dust Cap [1x].stl #4

Closed ponymorphism closed 5 months ago

ponymorphism commented 5 months ago


first off thanks so much for your tremendous project. Very inspiring!

When printing A17 - Top Dust Cap, I noticed that the two D-shaped parts in the middle of the part seem to be floating about 0.5mm above the main surface. My slicer (OrcaSlicer) even suggested to add supports there (see screenshots).

Screenshot 2024-03-29 074620 Screenshot 2024-03-29 074718

I still tried to print it as it is (without supports), but the D-shapes didn't connect to the surface as expected. My quick fix was now to insert a flattened cube to just fill the gap.

Shaztech commented 5 months ago

I fixed it, when I printed mine, the overall part was lower by 1 mm, and wasn't sitting correctly on my trays, so I decided to add 1mm but never tested it. Thanks you !