Shaztech / Pilldispenser

Automated pill dispenser
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How many Telgram users ... #7

Closed RoboCop0815 closed 2 months ago

RoboCop0815 commented 3 months ago

... can I set up and how? is only one possible or can I save several tokens one after the other? Greetings Robbie

Shaztech commented 3 months ago

Only one token and one chat ID.

Here's some snippet from

Obtain Your Bot Token Obtaining a token is as simple as contacting @BotFather, issuing the /newbot command and following the steps until you're given a new token. You can find a step-by-step guide here.

Your token will look something like this:

4839574812:AAFD39kkdpWt3ywyRZergyOLMaJhac60qc Make sure to save your token in a secure place, treat it like a password and don't share it with anyone.

Get your chat ID Talk to your new bot inside telegram and go to<YourBOTToken>/getUpdates You will see the last message and search for "chat":{"id":-123456789 the digits will be your chat ID (can include a minus in front of the digits).

RoboCop0815 commented 3 months ago

It wouldn't be bad if several users (several mobile phones) could also receive their own Telegram on these... that would be great...

Shaztech commented 3 months ago

It's a limitation of Arduino with telegram. But the chat id can be a group chat with multiple users. I already tell which tray with the description in the alert message.