Sheep-y / trpg-dnd-4e-db

4e Compendium - Offline D&D 4e Database
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Internet Explorer 11 Download/Update issue #12

Closed galford13x closed 8 years ago

galford13x commented 10 years ago

I've build the latest revision of the project and opened it in Internet Explorer 11.

The Refresh Categories and Check works fine, however, Get All Items and Get new + changed cause a popup that explains a login window will appear etc.. However, no window appears.

I do have popup blocker turned off so that doesn't appear to be the issue. Should this work fine with IE 11?

Sheep-y commented 10 years ago

There is some work to do, but eventually it should work fine with IE 11, so yes it should be regarded as a bug.

For your reference, I think Wizards changed their login form's target so that my old release would appears to not work (which I think what Issue #9 is about - you login, but you got error instead). I concluded that I can either rewrite using iframe or just says "please login first" and stop (without popup).

I am walking the later path and realised that "stopping properly" requires its own fix either way. So we're kind of in the middle of the road at this moment.

galford13x commented 10 years ago

I understand. It feels like WoTC really doesn't want people to access their information except through their own website (which doesn't work very well at all). It really is a shame WoTC lacks the forsight of what could be a great enterprise.

Either way, you've done a great job. As far as I can tell, my compendium database is still current so it's not really affecting me.

I'll continue to report anything I find with possible fixes as I use it. Thanks for all the great work.

Sheep-y commented 8 years ago

A new downloader has been released that works with current DDI compendium.

It is much more production ready than the old version can hope to be, and can deduce new data columns like power frequency or feat requirements.

Now we just need to hope Wizards don't change the login system again. In fact we can't even login with the form displayed on the compendium now, have to go to another page to login first.