Sheep-y / trpg-dnd-4e-db

4e Compendium - Offline D&D 4e Database
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Not on FX application thread; currentThread = pool-3-thread-1 #27

Closed demigord closed 7 years ago

demigord commented 7 years ago


I installed Java 8 Update 111 (October 18, 2016) and ran 4e_compendium_downloader.exe

I am getting the error: Not on FX application thread; currentThread = pool-3-thread-1 Here is the debug log:

18:53:56 [FINE] Testing login finished normally. 18:53:56 [INFO] Status: Getting race template. 18:53:56 [FINE] Getting race template finished normally. 18:53:58 [INFO] Status: Getting race data. 18:53:58 [FINE] Getting race data finished normally. 18:53:59 [INFO] Status: Parsing race. 18:54:00 [INFO] Status: Listing race. 18:54:00 [FINE] Listing race finished normally. 18:54:00 [WARNING] Download failed: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not on FX application thread; currentThread = pool-3-thread-1 at at at com.sun.javafx.webkit.prism.PrismInvoker.checkEventThread( at com.sun.webkit.dom.JSObject.getMember( at db4e.controller.Crawler.toArray( at db4e.controller.Crawler.openCategory( at db4e.controller.Controller.downloadCategory( at db4e.controller.Controller.lambda$startDownload$9( at db4e.controller.Controller.lambda$runTask$21( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source)

18:54:00 [FINE] State: Can Download 18:54:00 [INFO] Status: Not on FX application thread; currentThread = pool-3-thread-1. 18:54:00 [FINE] Progress: 0. 18:54:09 [FINE] State: Can Export 18:54:09 [INFO] Status: null.


Sheep-y commented 7 years ago

A good report, thanks. That didn't exist in earlier Java versions when I still had a subscription to test, but I can see the wisdom in this new safeguard. Will do my best to fix.

demigord commented 7 years ago

Let me know if I can do anything to help

Sheep-y commented 7 years ago

@demigord Can you try this pre-release and see whether the download works now? After the "Total" counts are filled, the "Downloaded" counts would go up and it should be all green.

demigord commented 7 years ago

Looks like it is working! Seemed to hang a couple of times (at loading Race and Poison Totals), but clicking on "Stop" got it going again. Left it running overnight and it is still downloading (halfway through Monsters now). Seems to have slowed down compared to when I started it (CPU usage is > 90%) but I am going to let it run.

Thanks a lot for the quick fix!