Sheep-y / trpg-dnd-4e-db

4e Compendium - Offline D&D 4e Database
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Show list download progress #6

Closed Sheep-y closed 10 years ago

Sheep-y commented 11 years ago

Some data lists, such as Power, Monster, Item, Feat, is very long and takes a while to download.

Would be nice to see whether it is possible to show download progress so that status can be updated.

Sheep-y commented 10 years ago

Cannot implement, because ActiveX XMLHttp (required to do Cross Origin Request) does not support progress event.

onprogress and addEventListeners are not available. Attempt to access responseBody, responseText, responseStream, getAllResponseHeaders, getResopnseHeader before readystate 4 either says "The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available." or "Unspecified error".

In short, there is no way to get downloaded size or total size.

Can't see a way to get around it until a custom Java COR applet is implemented. Closing this issue.