SheepGoMeh / SideHUD

MIT License
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Feature and ui change requests #2

Open YsfaelPaaltomo opened 3 years ago

YsfaelPaaltomo commented 3 years ago

Requesting a few features and making ui suggestions


Personally I found using this to be useful but limited. With classes like Dark Knight I liked the mp bar and hp bar but felt no need for the cast bar but would have loved a blood gauge bar.

Meanwhile on Ninja I found the entire plugin to only get in the way as nothing it gave me was anything I needed to know and I found that just looking at my basic hp bar was better for how I use it as a dps.

Then over to Summoner, Black Mage and Red Mage where the cast bar and mp was very useful but the lack of a gcd tracker left me not even using it for SMN and RDM.

Ultimately I ended up Hiding the Hud and stopped using it almost entirely due to these reasons.


The current max gap setting is simply not enough for how I want to use it. In addition the current offset limits prevent some possible uses for the bars.

f3lcrow commented 3 years ago

Ditto. The plugin is a great first step towards what I was personally looking for in the game's UI but the limit to the gap, position, etc forces me to hide it atm.