SheepGoMeh / SideHUD

MIT License
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Option to turn off cast bar (and a couple other things) #3

Open kaedys opened 2 years ago

kaedys commented 2 years ago

I adore this plugin, but the vertical cast bar just doesn't really work for my UI style. Could we get an option to hide it entirely? This could also by done by enabling alpha on the color selection for the cast color.

Also, could the background either have an option for transparency on it specifically, or have alpha enabled in the color selection window? The black background sometimes gets in the way, and I'd love to be able to set it partially transparent.

Lastly, it appears that the percentage for the HP is left-aligned with the HP number, rather than right-aligned. Could it be set to right-aligned (default or option), so the "inner" side of the two text fields is always vertically aligned? Works better when having HUD elements positioned between the two text blocks.

kaedys commented 2 years ago

To add to the above, I'd also love an option to selectively disable other pieces of the HUD. For example, the target and focus bar aren't particularly useful for me, and the target bar in particular hampers my at-a-glance view of my health, since it's on the same side. I have a large target bar at the top of my screen for keeping track of target health, so I'd like to be able to disable it on the HUD. Same for the focus target bar, since I have that display elsewhere (and frankly don't need the info in the middle of my screen, since I typically use focus to track a target's position via the head arrow, or to track their buffs/debuffs rather than their HP).

I'd also like the ability to selectively disable the MP bar based on my current job (or have the default display only be for some jobs). For example, that bar is entirely irrelevant for melee, physical ranged, and 2 of the 4 tank jobs. There's very little reason to have it displayed for those jobs, as none of their abilities consume MP.

Lastly, can the "Hide out of combat" option have sub-options that make it always show within duties, and another to continue to show it out-of-combat until HP is 100%?