Sheeves11 / UnnamedFiefdomGame

A text-based MMO using browser based terminal emulation! Capture as many fiefdoms as you can!
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Bug Fixes and Dev-Tools #21

Closed Steelwing723 closed 2 years ago

Steelwing723 commented 2 years ago

Implemented: Created dev-tool for adding money to test out upgrades. (To use, just type 'bigmoney' at the stronghold screen. Be sure to remove this from later, as noted in code) Added a set of default fiefs for swifter testing. Added a default user (still has to be named and created, but has high starting money). Name: devtest, Password: devtest. Delete this later (especially since the dev-tool is working now).

Bug Fixes: Using a dev-tool now takes you to an appropriate screen instead of stalling and requiring a restart. Added a cap to attack, defense, and farm upgrades with a message for the user.