Sheeves11 / UnnamedFiefdomGame

A text-based MMO using browser based terminal emulation! Capture as many fiefdoms as you can!
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Stronghold Messages #56

Closed Steelwing723 closed 2 years ago

Steelwing723 commented 2 years ago

Allow players to set a stronghold message that enemy players can see when visiting that stronghold.

This would just get added to the customizations menu along with changing the stronghold color.

Sheeves11 commented 2 years ago

Great idea and pretty straightforward to implement! We're going to want to make sure we have some sort of input sanitation, as this will allow users to write directly to a file, which I hear can be dangerous.

Sheeves11 commented 2 years ago

As far as input sanitation goes, we need to also limit message length

Steelwing723 commented 2 years ago

Yep, I assumed around a 50 character message or so would suffice.