Sheeves11 / UnnamedFiefdomGame

A text-based MMO using browser based terminal emulation! Capture as many fiefdoms as you can!
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Writing writing writing writing writing writing writing #61

Open Steelwing723 opened 2 years ago

Steelwing723 commented 2 years ago

Could use dialog and descriptive writing for the following things:

Biome Descriptive Writing

The biome descriptive passages will be scrambled to give fiefs a "unique" surrounding description. Biomes needing this are: Forests Plains Mountains

Each needs about 3 Primary, secondary, and tertiary passages. That's a total of 27 passages, and that's just to start out!

Encounters When pathing is implemented, writing for special encounters would be necessary.

Battles Writing for combat options will be necessary if combat is expanded upon later.

Etc. There is plenty more.