SheffieldML / GPyOpt

Gaussian Process Optimization using GPy
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Suggested point is infeasible. #94

Open oliversheridanmethven opened 7 years ago

oliversheridanmethven commented 7 years ago

When running BayesianOptimization.run_optimization sometimes the suggested point (X_Batch) can be outside of the feasible space of f as specified by bounds. This is raised in in line

 # --- Evaluate *f* in X, augment Y and update cost function (if needed)

If f has been defined to raise an AssertionError in such a case the solver breaks. Wrapping this line in a try:... except: break loop will terminate the process returning the solution until this point, but is only a temporary work around that doesn't address the issue.

javiergonzalezh commented 6 years ago

Hi Oliver, thanks for pointing this out. Can you provide more details of your example so we can have a look to it?

oliversheridanmethven commented 6 years ago

Here is a MWE that replicated the error (I think the initial points are randomly picked, so perhaps try running it a few times...):

from GPyOpt.methods import BayesianOptimization
import numpy as np

def array_to_float_wrapper(f):
    Ensures functions produce an ndArray. For functions which take an
    an array and produce floats, to make functions with take matrices
    and return matrices.
    :param f: Fuction, take a np.array and returns a float.
    :return: Function, takes and retuns an np.ndarray.

    def g(x):
        :param x: ndArray, e.g. x = np.array([[1.2, 2]])
        :return: ndArray, of f(i) evaluated row wise.
        return np.array([[f(i)] for i in x])

    return g

def solver(f, bounds, maxfev, initial_design_numdata=2, verbosity=False, n=None):
    The solver for using GPyOpt.
    :param f: Function, takes an n-Array and returns a float.
    :param bounds: List, [[lower, upper]*n], determines problem dimension.
    :param maxfev: Int, max number of function evaluations.
    :param initial_design_numdata: Int, how many points to sample at initialisation, >=2.
    :param verbosity: Bool, verbose output?
    :return: BayesianOptimisation, result from run_optimisation.
    assert initial_design_numdata >= 2, 'Please specify more initial starting points.'
    if n is not None:
        assert len(bounds) == n, 'The number of bounds does not correspond to the quoted dimension.'
        assert len(bounds) > 0, 'Please specify a non empty list of bounds.'
    assert initial_design_numdata <= maxfev, 'The initialisation number of points is larger than the max number of function evaluations.'
    g = array_to_float_wrapper(f)
    y = BayesianOptimization(g, bounds=bounds, initial_design_numdata=initial_design_numdata)
    y.run_optimization(max_iter=maxfev - initial_design_numdata, verbosity=verbosity)
    return y

def osborne_11(x):
    The osborne-11 function. Mn = 0.040137736 at x = np.array([1.30997616, 0.59943034, 0.43155235, 0.63366122, 0.75418014, 4.82368638, 0.90429306, 1.36581389, 5.67534122, 2.39868579, 4.56887422])
    :param x: 11-Array
    :return: Float.
    assert len(x) == 11, 'The osborne_11 function requires an input of length 11.'
    assert np.all((x >= 0.0) & (x <= 10.0)), 'The input must be in the range [0, 10].'
    y = np.array(
        [1.366, 1.191, 1.112, 1.013, 0.991, 0.885, 0.831, 0.847, 0.786, 0.725, 0.746, 0.679, 0.608, 0.655, 0.616, 0.606, 0.602, 0.626, 0.651, 0.724, 0.649, 0.649, 0.694, 0.644, 0.624, 0.661, 0.612, 0.558, 0.533, 0.495, 0.5, 0.423, 0.395, 0.375, 0.372, 0.391, 0.396, 0.405, 0.428, 0.429, 0.523, 0.562,
         0.607, 0.653, 0.672, 0.708, 0.633, 0.668, 0.645, 0.632, 0.591, 0.559, 0.597, 0.625, 0.739, 0.71, 0.729, 0.72, 0.636, 0.581, 0.428, 0.292, 0.162, 0.098, 0.054])
    M = 65
    t = np.arange(0, M / 10.0, 0.1)
    return np.sum((y - x[0] * np.exp(-t * x[4]) - x[1] * np.exp(-x[5] * (t - x[8]) ** 2.0) - x[2] * np.exp(-x[6] * (t - x[9]) ** 2.0) - x[3] * np.exp(-x[7] * (t - x[10]) ** 2.0)) ** 2.0)

bounds = [[0.0, 10.0]] * 11
solver(osborne_11, bounds, 100)

The error this gives back is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/Documents/InFoMM/bayesian_optimisation/venv2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 2881, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "<ipython-input-3-5f565b71df72>", line 17, in <module>
    solver(osborne_11, bounds, 100, verbosity=False)
  File "<ipython-input-2-f02a78eef8dc>", line 42, in solver
    y.run_optimization(max_iter=maxfev - initial_design_numdata, verbosity=verbosity)
  File "/home/user/Documents/InFoMM/bayesian_optimisation/venv2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPyOpt/methods/", line 458, in run_optimization
    super(BayesianOptimization, self).run_optimization(max_iter = max_iter, max_time = max_time,  eps = eps, verbosity=verbosity, save_models_parameters = save_models_parameters, report_file = report_file, evaluations_file= evaluations_file, models_file=models_file)
  File "/home/user/Documents/InFoMM/bayesian_optimisation/venv2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPyOpt/core/", line 124, in run_optimization
  File "/home/user/Documents/InFoMM/bayesian_optimisation/venv2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPyOpt/core/", line 168, in evaluate_objective
    self.Y_new, cost_new = self.objective.evaluate(self.suggested_sample)
  File "/home/user/Documents/InFoMM/bayesian_optimisation/venv2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPyOpt/core/task/", line 51, in evaluate
    f_evals, cost_evals = self._eval_func(x)
  File "/home/user/Documents/InFoMM/bayesian_optimisation/venv2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GPyOpt/core/task/", line 80, in _eval_func
    rlt = self.func(np.atleast_2d(x[i]))
  File "<ipython-input-2-f02a78eef8dc>", line 20, in g
    return np.array([[f(i)] for i in x])
  File "<ipython-input-3-5f565b71df72>", line 8, in osborne_11
    assert np.all((x >= 0.0) & (x <= 10.0)), 'The input must be in the range [0, 10].'
AssertionError: The input must be in the range [0, 10].

Clearly this can be worked around a bit by my original suggestion, but this isn't fixing the problem. My guess is that when the acquisition function suggests a point to sample, this is not being subjected to the box constraints.

sdrobert commented 5 years ago

@javiergonzalezh I've noticed that sometimes indicator_constraints is passed the (expanded) model x and other times the optimizer x. This is due to some code in I suspect that sometimes constraints and bounds are being calculated on the zipped version, and other times the unzipped version.

floyebolu commented 5 years ago

@javiergonzalezh @oliversheridanmethven @apaleyes Hi, I was/am having a similar issue. Specifically, my initial samples generated by GPyOpt were always within the constraints, but sometimes the suggested point(s) would violate them.

As @sdrobert mentioned, the problem (for me) is that in, indicator_constraints is passed (or is operating) on the unzipped inputs. However, in the initial design (for initialising the GP model or for generating anchor points), get_samples_with_constraints is called from which is passed the zipped inputs.

These are the frame stacks in my debugger: constraints.docx Maybe it will be useful?

To get round this for my purposes, I have edited acquisition_function in so that it reads like so:


def acquisition_function(self,x):
    Takes an acquisition and weights it so the domain and cost are taken into account.
    f_acqu = self._compute_acq(x)
    cost_x, _ = self.cost_withGradients(x)
    x_z = x if == else
    # x_z = x
    return -(f_acqu*


This appears to work for me but I don't know how this affects all the different potential models, acquisition functions, and acquisition optimisers etc. I'm still just using the standard options: GP, EI, L-BFGS. It seems this is a problem primarily if one has categorical variables AND either they are part of the constraint(s) formulae or you only have constraints on other variables but some categorical variables are entered into the space list before them.

Hope this is helpful?!

EDIT: I guess this actually only ensures the starting points for the acquisition optimiser(s) are feasible but not the actual optimised points. I could imagine that encapsulating lines 63-73 in optimize in in a while loop may give that functionality.