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Gaussian Process Optimization using GPy
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Supplying function to optimize and initial data (X and Y) for design of experiments using bayesian optimization #95

Open tpsanjan opened 7 years ago

tpsanjan commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I was using Bayesian optimization for generating suggestions for next batch of points given labels for a few data points using the following snippet:

def DoE(x):

Make prediction at the new point sampled by bayes_opt using SVR model trained earlier

    ynew = svr.predict(x)               # scikit-learn SVR model trained on existing labeled data
    return -ynew                            # -ynew coz we want to maximize target variable

opt = GPyOpt.methods.BayesianOptimization(f = DoE, # function to optimize
domain = domain, # box-constrains of the problem acquisition_type ='LCB', # LCB acquisition acquisition_weight = 0.1, # Exploration-exploitation trade-off model_type = 'GP', num_cores = cores, normalize_Y = True, evaluator_type = 'local_penalization', report_file = 'DoE_log.dat', batch_size = bsize, X = X_train, Y = np.atleast_2d(Y_train), initial_design_numdata = len(X_train))

I had two queries: 1) In the context of design of experiments wherein we have labels for a set of experimentally probed designs and a machine learning based model (like SVR in the above case) isn't it sufficient to just supply SVR predictor as function to optimize with model_type = 'None'? Currently, there doesn't seem to be 'None' option for model_type and I guess using 'GP' would lead to another surrogate model which may not be necessary. [One of the earlier posts mentions to iteratively call next suggested sample however I believe it still uses the default 'GP' surrogate model]

2) What should be the dimensions of X and Y while supplying initial data for Bayesian optimization? I am currently forcing both X and Y to be 2D numpy arrays but I ran into "flapack error". Here's the full trace:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 586, in main() File "", line 454, in main initial_design_numdata = len(X_train))
File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPyOpt/methods/", line 244, in init self.run_optimization(max_iter=0,verbosity=self.verbosity) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPyOpt/methods/", line 458, in run_optimization super(BayesianOptimization, self).run_optimization(max_iter = max_iter, max_time = max_time, eps = eps, verbosity=verbosity, save_models_parameters = save_models_parameters, report_file = report_file, evaluations_file= evaluations_file, models_file=models_file) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPyOpt/core/", line 103, in run_optimization self._update_model() File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPyOpt/core/", line 196, in _update_model self.model.updateModel(self.X, self.Y,self.suggested_sample,self.Y_new) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPyOpt/models/", line 81, in updateModel if self.model is None: self._create_model(X_all, Y_all) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPyOpt/models/", line 64, in _create_model self.model = GPy.models.GPRegression(X, Y, kernel=kern, noise_var=noise_var) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/paramz/", line 54, in call self.initialize_parameter() File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/paramz/core/", line 331, in initialize_parameter self.trigger_update() File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/paramz/core/", line 79, in trigger_update self._trigger_params_changed(trigger_parent) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/paramz/core/", line 128, in _trigger_params_changed self.notify_observers(None, None if trigger_parent else -np.inf) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/paramz/core/", line 91, in notifyobservers [callble(self, which=which) for , , callble in self.observers] File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/paramz/core/", line 91, in [callble(self, which=which) for , _, callble in self.observers] File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/paramz/core/", line 498, in _parameters_changed_notification self.parameters_changed() File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPy/core/", line 193, in parameters_changed self.posterior, self._log_marginal_likelihood, self.grad_dict = self.inference_method.inference(self.kern, self.X, self.likelihood, self.Y_normalized, self.mean_function, self.Y_metadata) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPy/inference/latent_function_inference/", line 47, in inference alpha, = dpotrs(LW, YYT_factor, lower=1) File "/home/sgupta78/sk17/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPy/util/", line 126, in dpotrs return lapack.dpotrs(A, B, lower=lower) _flapack.error: failed in converting 2nd argument `b' of _flapack.dpotrs to C/Fortran array

Thanks, Sanjan

javiergonzalezh commented 6 years ago

HI @tpsanjan Some comments on your questions:

  1. The GP model is computed to learn the mapping between the hyper-parameters of your SVR and its performance. Note that this is different to the actual model that you are tuning, the SVR.
  2. You are correct, both inputs and outputs should be 2D arrays.

We did recently a new release. Can you try to see if your issues are still appear?

poojitharamachandra commented 5 years ago


I have the same issue:

Y_init = np.array(Y_init,ndmin=2,order='F') X_init = np.array(X_init,ndmin=2)

import GPy from emukit.model_wrappers.gpy_model_wrappers import GPyModelWrapper from emukit.bayesian_optimization.acquisitions import ExpectedImprovement from emukit.core.optimization import AcquisitionOptimizer

kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(X_init.shape[1], ARD=True) gp = GPyModelWrapper(GPy.models.GPRegression(X_init, Y_init, kernel, noise_var=1e-10))

**gives error:~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\gpy-1.9.6-py3.6-win-amd64.egg\GPy\util\ in dpotrs(A, B, lower) :

error: failed in converting 2nd argument `b' of _flapack.dpotrs to C/Fortran array**

X_init = [[ -5.5589826 384.25838475 751.38855262 164.3880191 1007.11674873] [ -1.08051782 382.02255555 200.88970441 268.82545867 588.76049642]]

Y_init= [[0.37135806 0.31397561]]

poojitharamachandra commented 5 years ago

solved by adding Y_init = np.reshape(Y_init,(-1,1))