SheffieldMLtracking / BBSRC_ohio

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Timestamp filename issue #12

Open Joe-Heffer-Shef opened 3 months ago

Joe-Heffer-Shef commented 3 months ago

Putting the time in a filename can cause problems on different operating systems e.g. '%H:%M:%S' with colons will fail on Windows, which will affect a lot of potential research users.


Can we use hyphens or something else? e.g. decide a global two-way algorithm to convert a timestamp to a filename to be used across the whole project (all repos).

For example, a semicolon : ↔ ;

import datetime
from pathlib import Path

timestamp =
filename = timestamp.replace(":", "+")
path = Path(f"photo_object_{filename}.np")

this gives and can easily be converted back to an ISO standard timestamp.

Note that this doesn't include the time zone, which means the assumption is that timestamps are in UTC.

lionfish0 commented 3 months ago

Relevant code points:

Joe-Heffer-Shef commented 3 months ago

On reflection, a semicolon could cause headaches

A + will work better

To rename files

# Replace colon in filenames
for filename in *:*.np; do
  mv "$filename" "$new_name"
lionfish0 commented 2 weeks ago

The filename/structure we maybe decided on (in the readme) says to scrap the separator completely!

<session>/<set>/<device id>/<camera id>/<timestamp>_<photo id>.np

lionfish0 commented 1 week ago
jlwoodgate commented 1 week ago

Could the '.' between the seconds and microseconds also cause issues? Maybe:


Joe-Heffer-Shef commented 6 days ago

Could the '.' between the seconds and microseconds also cause issues? Maybe:

No that dot is fine and won't break anything, and Python's pathlib module will handle it fine (see code below). In general, I'd recommend sticking as close as possible to an ISO standard timestamp which means that datetime.fromisoformat can be used.

>>> import datetime
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> timestamp =
>>> filename = timestamp.replace(":", "+")
>>> path = Path(f"photo_{filename}.np")
>>> path
>>> path.suffix
>>> path.stem

and to parse the timestamp:

>>> _, _, timestamp = path.stem.partition('photo_object_')
>>> timestamp
>>> datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp.replace('+', ':'))
datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 11, 16, 19, 2, 501853)
lionfish0 commented 6 days ago

Thanks!! Euan/JoeW do you want to look at this. Also - I just merged straight to main (Sorry) the code for timestamps from cameras. also removed junk from etc.

On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 16:21, Joe Heffer @.***> wrote:

Could the '.' between the seconds and microseconds also cause issues? Maybe:

No that dot is fine and won't break anything, and Python's pathlib module will handle it fine (see code below). In general, I'd recommend sticking as close as possible to an ISO standard timestamp which means that datetime.fromisoformat can be used.

import datetime>>> from pathlib import Path>>>>>> timestamp =>>> filename = timestamp.replace(":", "+")>>> path = Path(f"photo_{filename}.np")>>> pathWindowsPath('')>>> path.suffix'.np'>>> path.stem'photo_2024-06-11T16+19+02.501853'>>>''

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Mike Smith, Lecturer in Probabilistic Machine Learning

Working part time (usually 8am-2pm, Monday-Thursday). Department of Computer Science University of Sheffield