SheffieldMLtracking / BBSRC_ohio

This is a placeholder repository for the BBSRC project; to allow us to assign tasks.
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Wifi connection setup in Ohio #7

Open lionfish0 opened 3 months ago

lionfish0 commented 3 months ago

Besides mounting and power....

lionfish0 commented 3 months ago

From Scott:

OSU has a wifi network called “Registered4OSU” which is specifically for connecting equipment to the wifi without special authentication (like Duo). To add a device, we just need the MAC address and then to register it with OCIO.

lionfish0 commented 2 months ago

To Do:

lionfish0 commented 2 months ago

Network and Data Notes


8-10 bumblebee tracking systems will be placed in the CEA. Each has onboard two cameras (greyscale & colour), camera flashes, and a raspberry pi for control, storage and local processing.

Data Collected:

The systems store locally files containing a python pickle object that has:

Getting the data:

These files need transferring. Options are:

This last option is preferred.

We anticipate this is done via the local raspberry pi pushing the image-data-files when they are collected/generated, to a remote server (likely either an s3 bucket on AWS; cloud storage on GCP, given Sheffield already has a paid account; etc).


The images are raw, but we typically compress (using non-image lossless compression: zipping). To estimate data transfer: each compressed image is ~0.5Mb; with two cameras on each tracking system; 8 tracking systems; 1frame/second; 12 hours/day = 170Gb/day. If this is too much we could add code onboard the pi to store this far more efficiently (e.g. we probably don't need to store the whole image!!!). I'm currently just wanting to store everything rather than regret it later!


The pi computers will connect/transfer data using HTTPS to S3 (port 443). Configuration support: To configure the camera systems (e.g. adjust framerate; select times of day the camera systems operate; etc) we will need to access them.

Currently we access via a local wifi network and use SSH and/or a webinterface (that uses a FLASK API running on port 5000). This isn't practical for this project as we are usually remote from the site: Instead we propose that the raspberry pi computers maintain SSH connections to a remote server (e.g. my one at and use remote port forwarding so that myself (and the Research Software Engineers) can access the camera systems for maintenance and configuration.

Summary: Outbound connections:

These two ports are almost certainly available already to users of the wifi.

Connecting to the WIFI:

Will connect to "Registered4OSU" - which is specifically for connecting equipment to the wifi without special authentication (like Duo). To add a device, we just need the MAC address and then to register it with OCIO.

Frances: When you have the tracking boxes, charged batteries and power cable -- we can have a call to:


lionfish0 commented 2 months ago
Joe-Heffer-Shef commented 2 months ago

re: Getting the data

Getting the research data from the Pi SSD storage over Wi-Fi by syncing to AWS S3 seems like a suitable solution.

Another good option is to SSH onto a virtual machine and transfer the data using rsync or SFTP to store in on research storage X:

However, we don't yet offer a cloud object storage service for researchers. As a university, we're going with AWS and eventually S3 may be available, although it's not clear to me if and when exactly. (There's no plan to adopt Google Cloud Platform here.)

As a temporary stand-in, we could set up a virtual machine running an S3 server using MinIO or a similar tool. This could write to research storage X: to keep the data safe and accessible.