ShehrozIrfan / ruby-rocks

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[Update README] Need to update the Our Contributors section #105

Open ShehrozIrfan opened 9 months ago

ShehrozIrfan commented 9 months ago


We need to update the file contributors sections. The current sections look like:

Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 12 31 50 PM

But we want to update it, and make it looks like the mockup below:

Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 12 31 33 PM

Changes Required:

vivekvr1 commented 9 months ago

👋 Hi! Could you please assign this to me? I'm new to contributing, but I think I can add something beneficial to this issue.

🚀 I have the code ready for the PR, but I'll wait to be assigned to this issue before submitting it.

ShehrozIrfan commented 9 months ago

@dcompanykrish Assigned 🚀