Sheights / StarboundSimpleVoreMod

A Simple Starbound Vore Mod
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Game crashes after loading logo #141

Open MoxieOlv opened 6 years ago

MoxieOlv commented 6 years ago



MoxieOlv commented 6 years ago

can anyone please help me

kociara81 commented 6 years ago

I'm not an expert with Lua and Starbound's mod API, but I can (kinda) read logs.

I'm not surprised that your game is crashing by looking into your log.

I see also you wanted to try another Starbound's lewd mod: Sexbound. But why are you running both Sexbound old 1.16.1 version and new 2.0 beta version?

Choose only one Sexbound version. Older and newer version of this mods are conflicting between each other. And this is why (I think) your game is crashing.

Yes I played with SVM and Sexbound and both mods worked.

(Sorry for my not so great English. It's my 2nd lang. But I'm trying as best as I can.)

Eclipse8264 commented 6 years ago

most likely, the vore mod uses names that other mods have. as the logo goes for it's run, the game is already working on the mods.

(the goings on) say 1 of the other mods uses 'Orcanachest' for a chest, and the vore is using the same name for 1 of it's things, the game finds this and doesn't know what to do. the 2 mods fight for the name in the logo run and that makes the game give up and close, it just can't take 2 mods using the same ID name.

if you wish to use the vore mod, you'll have to find what other mod is using a name the vore mod is using and stop using that mod, or wait for the vore mod's ID names to be changed to have vore at the start, (like Orcanachest ---> voreOrcanachest) and that should fix it. modders have posted about this already, we are all just waiting for the ID name fix.

if you still don't get it, use this link to go to the 'Copyright Infringement and name conflict crash' post and read that.

WolfSteele commented 5 years ago

when i looked at you log i found the last error to be this mod: - i could be that this is what chrashes your game. I always try to fit more and more mods in my game and if it crashes i look for the last mod that brought an "[Error]" up and then try to start the game again without this mod ... works more then often enough and i have over 500 mods active with this kind of handling XD