Sheights / StarboundSimpleVoreMod

A Simple Starbound Vore Mod
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New Spov Idea and Already Done Sprites #219

Open ShigglesNGits opened 3 years ago

ShigglesNGits commented 3 years ago

Hey Sheights; I know this is a tall order, but I have something that could be implemented into the game of Starbound as an SPOV if you're willing to do it. there was a game called "Space Quest" back in the day that featured a janitor named Roger Wilco. he went on daring quests that either took him to victory, or got him killed over and over again. I'm not sure if you know about these "Sierra" games, but they featured a lot of different content. One of the things they featured in the 3rd installment of Spacequest was an alien Pod attached to the ceiling of a small cave. When you walked under it it would suck you up into it, and you would instantly die (mild vore in my opinion, but vore still the same). I've spent the time to recreate the sprites for the creature so that they would work with Starbound. I have all the necessary sprites. empty pod idle, mouth opening, tongue animation full idle struggle up, down, back, and forward (and would be willing to give a description on the order that the sprites can be use) the problem is, I'm a complete ignoramus when it comes to coding. I'd love to have the creature implemented into Starbound, but due to having extreme ADHD, and the unfortunate "Deer stairing at headlights" mentality, I don't see it happening for me unless someone is willing to do that part. I know there are people that are amazing at coding, but they can't do Sprite work for the life of them. so I guess what I'm asking is, is there anyone willing to do the work to add this monster into the game?