Sheights / StarboundSimpleVoreMod

A Simple Starbound Vore Mod
83 stars 30 forks source link

Suggestions and Bugs #227

Closed basicallyjustagoose closed 2 years ago

basicallyjustagoose commented 2 years ago

To start off, I hope that this game is still being updated with more content.

Throughout my entire time playing this, I've encountered multiple bugs and have had many ideas and would like to list them here.

Bug: NPC speech: I've looked at the game files and it seems that the creator made really interesting dialog, it's a shame it doesn't show up. For some reason most npcs will only say one line of dialog. They also won't say any different dialog when you have been swallowed.

Suggestion: Gender selection: Repeatedly evicting and creating new npcs is a very annoying thing, and no npc addon can fix this thus far, so I propose that a gender selector item is added in, maybe it would appear in the treasure tess shop and cost a certain amount of money. Placing it in an available house would cause the npc to be spawned in to be the gender you selected.

Bug: When you are eaten by someone, sometimes another npc will also eat you at the same time.

Bug: When you are "Digested" by an NPC you won't actually die, you have to exit the npc to die, preventing the breast growth, bone coughing up, and other features. The same happens for NPC furniture.

Suggestion: Monster Preds: It seems that an idea for monster preds was implemented, but never used, maybe we could use this?

Bug: When you try to change certain things in the files the game will cause a corruption in your world and essentially force you to delete it.

Suggestion: UB and AV detail. In my opinion, UB and AV are basically the same as OV, as there are no animations signifying that "Oh this is unbirth" or "Oh this is anal vore"

Bug: General game fragility seems to be an issue, as seen with multiple different issues, things like the Nicole NPC stopping you from entering foodhall, basically impossible to remove a type of pred furniture.

Suggestion: Add more npcs and vore furniture! The content that is being made is very good and I'd personally like to see more of it, good job to the people who made the animations and sprite art, not to mention the dialog and other things.

Suggestion: More SPOVs and SPOV stability. This one is pretty self explanatory but the idea of an SPOV is fun and I like it.

Suggestion: Macro Preds. This has been said many times, but macro preds would be an interesting addition to the game.

Feel free to add on :)

And of course @Sheights can choose to not add certain things, the project is up to them and their team!